Sep 22, 2008 10:46
As parents do we become more sensitive to the comments of others? I suspect this is true, it's only logical really. Well, with that in mind my post is going to begin with some complaining.
Annoyed #1
Last week a co-worker flippently made a comment about how I "keep disappearing from my desk for a half hour to "milk"". Way to be supportive of working parents . I say to you this. Do you think it's fun to pump milk? Clearly you have never had children. Please let me disappear for 20 minutes to torture myself so that I can keep working and still feed my baby.
It seems that most of the people I meet with infants are stay-at-home moms. It's not FAIR!! But this was a decision we had to make. I can't even begin to explain how hard it is but we are making it work the best way we know how. Flippent remarks are really not helpful.
Annoyed #2
That same day I go to collect Tilly from Daycare (I love my daycare lady, don't get me wrong) and she said to me. "Did you ahve any part in making this child? She is just like her Dad". I KNOW!! There is no mistaking who sired Tilly. She looks like her Dad, I get it and every once in a while I would like to think she looks just a little like me.
Perhaps it is that I feel a lot like a single parent right now. D is working two jobs and I hardly ever see him. I want to be the one to care for Tilly but I'll admit it is nice to have D doing it with me. Don't get me wrong I am not in need of a "break" or anything like that. I guess, like I said I'm a little sensitive.
For the other part of the mixed bag.
ECFE & Swimming
Tilly ad I started ECFE this week and she LOVED it! So many games to play and things to explore. I am so glad we signed up. I am also starting swimming lessons with her today. I am so excited to see what she thinks. Tilly is amazing (no more so or less so than other peoples children - that's not the point), watching a child grow and explore and develop is the most awe inspiring thing I have ever done.
As I was driving out to the festival on Sunday I was so filled with love and beauty it made me cry. I am not a crier!! It is just incredible how my heart has opened up to embrace this child. It is not to say raising a child is without its struggles but I truely feel I am the luckiest woman alive.