Jan 11, 2008 02:08
dear huckabee,
you are a funny, charming man. you clearly strive for a sincerity and morality in keeping with your beliefs.
if it weren't for your political policies, you'd have my vote.
unfortunately not yours,
Biologically Female
dear kucinch,
i have to admit, i really enjoy being an omnivore.
sorry that ABC zapped you; you probably saw it coming, after Cleveland.
then again, i also like redheads,
Vertically-Challenged Tofu Mega-Fan
on feminism:
i've been seeing so many WHAT CENTURY DO YOU LIVE IN remarks on TV lately (since emerging from my cave) that i just.. just.. whatever, here's today's rant!
dear heidi klum,
in the land of chie, one day you're in, and the next, you're out. i don't really hold it against you and your interestingly accented self, just your writers. you know, the whole, prom is the most important day of a woman's life thing. i'm really unsure how that statement made it through the editing process, since it's a high school dance... and oh yeah, the majority of the world's women don't even have prom! at least they didn't choose "wedding day". i doubt "giving birth" would be much better. (yes, for some people those are extremely important days, but hello! validation of women through traditionally female roles?) how about the day you learned to cook? or lost weight? oh wait, they did *that* one already.
You Eliminated My Favorite Designer
dear unknown media personality,
women, as a distinct and separate species, always vote for the most tearful candidate. it's just in their oh-so-motherly genes.
with tears,
I Have A Vagina