Oct 28, 2006 11:27
Is it odd that I never realized, until a few days ago, that Jack Black is in the band Tenacious D, despite the fact that I spent the better portion of a year listening to "Tribute" non-stop? My status as a fangirl knows no bounds. >>; Anyway, yeah, just got into another obsessing period with that song again, and it's on all my playlists again. And suddenly, I like Jack Black better than before.
I'm having a love-hate relationship with anthropology, currently. On one hand, I love the content, and I enjoy the readings and lectures. On the other hand, I want to kill the exams because of the bastard-all questions he puts on them. Argh. I don't want to do this midterm on tuesday. Even if the Jared Diamond readings were very cool.
By the way, I really loved "The Moonstone" by Wilkie Collins. I wasn't expecting to at all, considering I generally don't read much mystery and everything, but yeah, this was a really, really good book. All the different narratives and personalities, and little intricate details, and twisting with our heads. And the discussions we have in Victorian Lit. about it are really fun. And the prof is witty enough to make the stupid questions and comments seem really funny.
Today in Chinese History? Constant stupid questions. Kind of felt homicidal. And when prof made a joke on one of the questions, the funny bit was only half the class got that he was joking, and when he told everyone it was a joke, we all just laughed harder, because it was silly. So that was fun, and defused most homicidal tendencies. Most! Bwahahahahaha. You know, because I often enjoy a good round of mass murder for kicks. XD
Native and Newcomer's history is cool, and were going on a field trip to the Cowichan tribe on this coming friday. Get a tour and a lessen and all that stuff. Also, while there is much reiteration on how bastardish Europeans were when they came over, the class actually emphasizes how much in control the Native tribes were originally, of trade and everything, and why they made many of the decisions that they did. Crushes away that "helpless victim" thing, and actually lets a culture and a people form.
I think my Shakespeare class is finally coming around! After of few weeks of myself and a couple of others painfully questioning or commenting on something, other people are actually speaking up, too. Which is nice, because then there's more of a discussion thingy going, which is what I think the prof. really wanted for that class. He's so ernest, and the class is so braindead that it's actually incredibly depressing. >>;;
Yeah, and there's a summary of aaaaall my classes, for everyone who wanted to know.
Oh! Yeah, have to say - everyone should go see "Little Miss Sunshine" when they can. AWESOME movie. I'm getting it when it comes out on DVD, one way or another. Laughed so hard during that movie. It surprises you, really. ^^ I love it muchly.
Anyway... because of the ridiculous time of the... morning it is, I'm going to go to sleep. Night, all. >>;