Jesus Christ 6 days : )

Jun 20, 2005 23:01

6 days 6 days 6 days woohoo. Pretty excited to go home. Sent 2 boxes home today cost 150 bucks, but Rotary pays good people eh? Friday I had my Rotary meeting. didnt get my ipod, got a pearl necklace that i dont know what to do with, but hey, im grateful for my pearl necklace...sort of. They gave me a ukata too. I like that. Packings nice. like a little relaxing to know theres an end to exchange. I love my Japanese teacher i will miss her. she called from America (shes visiting her son in the states) to make sure if i was okay and there werent any problems here. shes the best.

I miss Marquette. i know its just this small little town with not much too it. But i appriciate it and how lucky we are, just snow. Not typhones no tsunamis no earthquakes and there hasnt been a tornedo in like 20 years. you can leave your house door unlocked and you dont have to worry at night and its nice and pretty and you can see all the stars and i like it. I love yooperisms and i love that i speak with a bigger yooper accent now than before when i live there. And I love being proud of coming from a place that many people dont know about. I love that i live more north than the Canadians here. When you leave something behind you appriciate it more than you ever did before. You lose things, you wont get back, and the things you hold on to only get stronger.

That 1st time driving home, and seeing that yellow house on the corner, knonwing noones inside, may be one of the hardest things i face coming home. but I know therell be someone waiting in my driveway a minute away, and lots of friends to hang out with all the dayts after, and a job waiting to be found, and mornings to wake up early, and ways to be more cheezier than i am right now even though i mean every word.
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