do what you love and fuck the fucking rest. you only have so much time to live as a statistic in this shitland of a country. make it worthwhile. money ain't shit, bitches ain't shit, jobs ain't shit, people ain't shit. keep the ones you love and annihilate the rest. keep it low-pro. the more beating hearts you know, the more fucked you become. don't become a statistic. don't become a competitor. the world is overpopulated with people that want the same thing you do, success. make success unique. make it something only you can hold, something you can attain and be proud of. fuck the rest. be an individual. find something you love and make the best of it. STOP worrying about that job you just lost, that girl who you will never get, that dirty piece of shit bitch at work who tries to get people fired, that band that is so close to taking off that it's making you sick, those people with 5 year old mentalities that will do anything to take you the fuck down, and STOP worrying about growing up. fuck it. you're alive and breathing. take advantage of it.
Cynicism (Greek: Kυνισμός) originally comprised the various philosophies of a group of ancient Greeks called the Cynics, allegedly founded by Antisthenes in about the 4th century BC. The Cynics rejected all conventions, whether of religion, manners, housing, dress, or decency, advocating the pursuit of virtue in a simple and unmaterialistic lifestyle.
Currently, the word cynicism generally describes the opinions of those who see self-interest as the primary motive of human behavior, and who disincline to rely upon sincerity, human virtue, or altruism as motivations.
- use it and abuse it people. it's not as bad as everyone thinks.
"if you want to destroy, you have to prepare. you have to practice. you have to learn your pain."