(no subject)

Jul 26, 2005 05:26

*silence of startled crickets*

Okay so we got the navi back a few days ago but aside from the initial rush of catching up on webcomics and such i haven't felt like using it much. When i do, planning to write, i get sucked into distracting things like the LJ communities i lurk at. Drat! The comments on movies i've seen lately are rotting away in my brain like so much... Chinese food... in the refrigerator... hungry now...

We saw the third Star Wars movie in theaters a while ago. I found it rather anticlimactic. But if the episodes had been shown in order the sibling surprise would have been ruined. Meh. Also: Younglings. The heck? Does using a different word somehow negate the fact that pweshus angst-poodle Anakin slaughtered a bunch of children? I think not. It's not his fault that i find it hard to be sympathetic towards anyone with that much fan slobber on them though. That's why i avoided the Harry Potter books for a long time. And why i stay far far away from the fandom even though i have enjoyed the books thus far. Fans and fandom scare me... But from a distance it's hilarious as all get out.

The Phantom of the Opera. Yes the sets and costumes were nice. I do not care much for musicals, particularly when every song sounds so similar. I might like to read a fanfic that explores the character of the opera house lady who rescued The Phantom and her strange relationship with him but by all that's holy there's just no way i'm diving into Phan-spooge to find it!

Catwoman. I liked the opening sequence with the cat pictures. And it was nice to see Peter Wingfield in something. Can't think of anything else nice to say...

Batman Begins. Scarecrow! He was my favorite villain from the animated series! *fluffy* I think it was kinda odd they chose an eyecandy actor to play him but whatever. Hallucinations!

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy... I liked the book better. Should reread those.

Howl's Moving Castle. Mum and i hauled our poor carcasses out to Lake Street to see it. Twice so obviously we liked it. Yea gods Studio Ghibli does great sound and music! But i don't think it was one of their best since it was based off a novel.The first time we also stopped by Stonehenge. Oh! Shiny! I found a feather the second time and we visited Cheapo and a number of book stores(dead tired after that). I purchased The Beach soundtrack and an X-Files soundtrack. I had seen an episode which reminded me i wanted to find the song Unmarked Helicopters by Soul Coughing.
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