Jan 07, 2005 21:04
I've done it again.
Every few months I will find a new fandom and get completely stuck in it for days/weeks/months (depending on how much good fic there is) and horribly neglect my OneTrueFandom (which is of course Harry Potter). It was The O.C. last, and the biggest I remember before that was Due South - I prefer(ed) Ray K/Fraser even before I'd actually seen any episodes with Ray K. whatsoever. The O.C. I've gone off a bit, they had a long summer break here in the UK splitting season 1 up somehow, and I never really got back into it after that...
What I also tend to do (starting to become obvious in the paragraph above), is picking out fandoms I have A)not read the books in (see LotR), B)not seen on TV/at the cinema (see LotR, Due South, Firefly and too many others to count) or C)have never heard of before (see Sports Night).
My newest obsession: LotRPS. The first time I have (seriously) read Real Person Slash, and it does make me feel vaguely guilty. But there is so many hot boys! And necking in front of the camera! And Orlando Bloom!
Anyway, I read a lot, and my obsession has to be tended to, regardless of the characters involved. It'll blow over soon anyway.
Alright, so that's what I thought years ago when I got into slash - and I barely ever read any het nowadays...