Dec 18, 2002 02:04
In the lounge at work, washing my face in the sink.
Nerd: I hear that cleanliness is comparable to Godliness.
Me: Ok....
Nerd: Then, I figure that dirtiness is... considered to be Satanic?
Me: Uh... yes. I guess you can call me Jesus then.
Nerd: *snickers*
Me: *deranged look my face*
I'm in the lounge again at a later time, and I have my MD player blasting. I'm beat boxing to whatever song I'm listening to. Guy comes up and says:
Nerd: So you have rhythm....
Me: Uhhuh...
Nerd: Well, maybe you should persue a career in that... you can be the first "Tap-Rapper".
Me: .... Uh, I don't rap... and I told you before, I don't tap dance.
Nerd: Well, you have talent. You should persue your dreams.
Me: *awkward silence and gives weird looks*
*Nerd walks away*
I need to get another job. There are too many freaks and geeks at that place.