Okayguys I be back to the pronz. But! Before I begin, more BH news brought to you be the truly awesomesauce
chlavisforever .
(With random interjected gifs and commentary by me.)
No spoilers, really, but the reviewer is intelligent and in the know about it and makes awesome puns. Also he/she's not like FUUUU AT ALL.
My favorite part? This pic. v
and... this quote...
Huntington is also delightful in his own bumbling nerd way, flopping about down the hospital hallways like a baby pup tripping over his own giant paws. The dynamic between the walking headshot Witwer and the forever humiliated Huntington is priceless. I don't know how they found this great connection, but I truly hope it lasts the entire season. It's thrilling to watch.
I don't know if it could be said better than that. Also, they have eyesex.
GO SEE THE REVIEW HERE. At the command of Sam Witwer's Dimples and Abs or Sam Huntington's puppy face, or Mark Pelegrino's delicious big brother evilness or Meaghan Rath's flails or my your girlcrush on Sarah Allen.... I COULD GO ON....come on. Just come.
In conclusion, this show is the best thing ever. Deal with it, Universe. Deal With it.