Okay it took me while to get my ideas on this straight without revealing everything from the get-go. Let's just say that there's a reason Clark is incredibly useful to Zod. Lionel build him into this guy who is supposed to be a 'savior' to the ugly ungrateful world that needs to be punished and Zod is responsible for his rebirth. He wants to use Davis, his clone/son, but he might be better off just sticking to Clark. Or not. Clark's hard to judge at this point, even with his friends. He's been molded to be steered by someone with a stranger personality. Alone he's kind of erratic and wants to be this hero with a destiny dangerously. (But I won't give you any Splice stuff that Lex's empathy turns him into a HORRIBLE SEX-CHANGE NIGHTMARE. He feels for Lex in a vaguely sad way because he's his only memories of genuine affection.... but... he's himself.) That Zod/Clark thing is in the cards, the blood exchange is the beginning of Zod's plan. (which is to get killed by the traveler and kinda turn the prophecy on its head.) I say nothing more. But you got the hint! even woozy!
I love GAETA. I loved the little glimpse of him in beast I wanted him to be really just this snarky immature guy who had to grow up too fast, but he'd do everything to protect the traveler. He doesn't have fire powers, so you might not like to see the way he kills people. or maybe you might. He has to in the next chapter, which starts getting back to its violent roots.
LEXY! I was never subjected to the fake baby arc, so I have Memoria and Nemesis and the Pilot and I just really love him. SO TRUE! <3 Clark's trying to play old Clark again, but he's kind of forgotten to.
I had to use that line. It's just so pretty. Davis on the one hand cares about Chloe and wants to connect with her, on the other hand they've got this bond thing that makes her write everything off as not real. (She was already a bit messed up to begin with.) So it's going to be a little unstable ground for Davis as this goes on.
Davis IS such a mirror of Lex. While he grew up hunted like an animal, Lex was locked in his own guilded cage until he was taunted into going into the ugly outside and hardening to a level that Lionel is incapable of really getting. Lex is kinda having his own Charlie Crews storyline in this; the guy was a total BAMF.
Servant- You guessed it was Ollie first. But yeah, he's coming back in a big way. He's a vengeful mirror of Confessor!Chloe (because of what he's going through). Also, there's bouncer! barmaid! Lois. Your fault. The Number is really a way of taking his identity, and I'm gonna pull a Nik Kershaw here....
Oh noes! Charlie Crews! The other night I dreamed I was his new partner and he almost let me get blown up and Dani and everyone was laughing at me because I was all butthurt about it.
I tried to write that with Julian and Seth, that they're both about survival instincts. Actually Davis and Lex operate in the same way, the difference between them is that Lex made choices, Davis didn't have any. Lex was hurt over and over and eventually wanted to destroy everything he perceived as a threat, and though some of his practices were murky, the sentiment wasn't wrong. There was an alien threat. Dooms initially starts killing people as a way of removing potential threats. The problem with show Lex and you've got a chance to change that here, as I do, is that the writers didn't entertain the thought of his beign saved, because of the comics. That's fine except they shouldn't have made him so not-evil to begin with or they should have understood that Clark is dangerous and evil.
Clark, Clark, Clark. He was originally sent to conquer earth. The show dropped that plot though. In Splinter on the commentary they talk about how there's a part of Clark that thinks the world would be better off if he conquered it. Brainiac tempts him toward that (the plot never went anywhere) and Chloe represented humanity. He didn't think he could trust her because of her flaws, but it turned he could and so he believed humanity was worth helping.
The idea of Clark as an erratic blank slate is pretty scary, because even in the show, deep down we saw how he felt inside on that red K. He wanted money, power, and to dominate with force whenever he pleased, and I've alway sthought - dunno whether I've said this before - that a part of him hated Lex because this mere mortal had everything he wanted (money, power, etc) while he this superpowered creature had to be poor and work on a farm.
Clark deciding he wants to be a savior is scary in this instance. I havent' quite worked out what happens to Michael, but he ends up having to be stopped. The thing makes a point about religion, that people no longer want the harsh smite you for doing xyz god, but want either don't need a god or want a loving god. Zod in my thing wants sent "Dooms" like the Flood or whatever to punish those who disobeyed him. Like the opposite of Jesus, he sent his only son to destroy people instead of to save them.
but having someone like Clark become evil with good intentions is interesting, because history has seen it (Hitler, etc) One thing I've always found icky about Clark is that he has no real compassion, just judgmental morals. Davis has compassion and a real warmth to him. Clark is wooden. Lex had real compassion too, but was like a human Doomsday, abused over and over. Clark's woodenness makes him scary. So I'm interested to see where Clark goes in this.
CHARLIE! You had a CHARLIE dream and didn't tell me? (I fangirled him so hard during (One- he goes dark and a bit scary- it's the one time he does that when he kills Roman was one of those terrific black hold moments where keenly reined in Zen rage just explodes. I re-watched it a lot.) BAWW you poor girl. He isn't put together all the time. Next time, I suggest throwing a personal pineapple at him. I on the other hand, had a Davis dream where I was watching him make out with Chloe who talked/acted like Lex through one of these security cams. Then I woke up.
I tried to write that with Julian and Seth, that they're both about survival instincts. Actually Davis and Lex operate in the same way, the difference between them is that Lex made choices, Davis didn't have any. Lex was hurt over and over and eventually wanted to destroy everything he perceived as a threat, and though some of his practices were murky, the sentiment wasn't wrong. There was an alien threat. Dooms initially starts killing people as a way of removing potential threats. The problem with show Lex and you've got a chance to change that here, as I do, is that the writers didn't entertain the thought of his beign saved, because of the comics. That's fine except they shouldn't have made him so not-evil to begin with or they should have understood that Clark is dangerous and evil.
All of this. with S1 Lex especially it's a a case of kickkickkick the puppy- with Clark and his issues and JONATHAN and then Lionel trying to mold him into something that would be invulnerable to how Clark's ripping him apart- but he's Lionel, and that doesn't come without it's UNhealthy dose of mental abuse. (In s1 I just wanted to smish lex- if Sv was going to shove the clichéd crazy/evil storylines in our faces they would have been better served by making Lex/Davis far darker from the getgo. Little details like mark Wahlberg rifling through his 'good' girlfriend's things in fear or something. I guess WE'RE better served though, because they end up with crap writing and we end up with some seriously woobie hot plot ideas in our heads.)
So Dooms is like Lex's extreme biological counterpart, without a choice. When Davis starts making choices (ie vigilante) it's because he didn't have them to begin with. Crossroads, I think is gonna be my glimpse into both of those happening at once with Julian and Seth.
I want that. In ~something~ I'm toying with the idea of having Lex find out about Davis's vigilantism while he tries to put himself back together.
Well I just had the dream the night before I posted this . . .
So in other words you had a thinly veiled Dex dream? Awesome. I once dreamed Chloe was being an ass to him so we started making out instead. He was so strong. That's what I remember. And taller than Davis is.
Smallville would have been better served just making them bad from the getgo. But in SV speak nice guy with a job = bad. Lex, Davis, jason Teague (who was Dean from SPN. I don't know if you know that) I always remember the ep where Lana was almost raped. Clark responded like a dick and sort of victim-blamed. See what happens when you're alone at night in the coffee shop, Lana? Lex responded by attempting to relate to her and was quite compassionate when he accidentally startled her. Your personal space was violated. No wonder you're jumpy. Want to learn to feel more empowered? Of course, we were supposed to believe (I guess) that this was Lex' evil plan to get closer to her. Except it wasn't. The real problem is, of course, that MR and SW were better than the show and used their talent to subvert the bad writing and make us see something more interesting in their characters. TW can't do that. Neither could AA, or AM after a while and it contributed to the mess of s8. If she ever developed an internal logic for her character, it hasn't come across to me since s5.
Yeah Seth is going to realize how little choice he has pretty soon. Right now he's lying in bed. I was going to make Julian do something, but I have to be careful, because I don't want to make Julian and Ava redundant characters. Otherwise Seth is going to be like WHY ARE ALL YOU PEOPLE CHASING ME AROUND WITH CAMERAS AND CRAP? SINCE WHEN DID I WARRANT MY OWN PAPARAZZI?! Okay he wouldn't take in capslock, but still.
In Splinter on the commentary they talk about how there's a part of Clark that thinks the world would be better off if he conquered it. Brainiac tempts him toward that (the plot never went anywhere) and Chloe represented humanity. I love the alien conqueror storyline. The truth is very few things are idyllic and sometimes the things you wish for can be the worst of all. I would have loved something that turned out camouflaged alien conqueror/ v scary with Clark, if the show actually paid attention to its own storyline. Agh. We needed to see more of that Kal. Ooh that is interesting. So if Chloe represented humanity, in S10 why didn't he demolish the f-ing planet?
Clark hating lex? Wow that is dysfunctional, but I really se it. in many ways I think Clark did/should have been seen wearing his values like a mask. deep down on that red k he wanted some of the worst kinds of domination and still does, and the idea that some remain bit of pettiness wanted to destroy Lex for something like envy? Wow. because seriously, no one is so backwards as Clark when it comes to trusting someone. In Asylum, he HAD to have known it was wrong and lex wouldn't have betrayed him then. O-o This puts a whole new spin on it. it's going into my meta.
Ooh! Zod/God parallels. that's scary, but awesome religion meta. Clark is like what- the savior- that-was-never-meant-to-be-a-savior-becoming-a-more-terrible-successor-to-Zod. Ouch. I still ship Julian/Michael. The truck is their baby. But Julian still thinks Seth is hot.
Oh wooden!this!Clark! it's fun to write him at the same time, icky, because because of lex's feelings he's bound to interpret what he does in a more human way, but Clark's working on a far more calculating wavelength. He wants to do good for his own intentions- pride and fulfilling his destiny, and his bizarre protectiveness of Lex. He has no concept of how, though...
Clark didn't demolish the planet because the show has switched gears so many times since then the show doesn't even know.
Allien conquerer thing, no one gets tired of that :) I don't know about Clark, but Michael's sort of a case of not being the best person to begin with crumbling under the weight of his self-appointed destiny. Too much power and the notion of "I'm the only who can do this" always leads to problems.
Clark himself though. I like to imagine him as not really being able to grasp human emotions. Like he tries to adopt them and display them, but he's too alien to really feel them at the gut level. So he thinks he's making good decisions, but really he's dangerous. Kind of like Souless!Spike when he tried to rape Buffy. He didn't want to do wrong. He didn't think he could do wrong to her, but he didn't have the capacity at the time to really understand right/wrong at the gut level.
It would probably be kind of offensive to say well Kryptonians just don't have the same emotional centers in their brains. Someone will make an analogy to racism and foreigners. Maybe it's just psychological. He got it into his head that he was different and he was so cut off because of his secret, and he felt so superior maybe human emotion is something he subconsciously shut off and didn't absorb much else but the black/white teachings of the Kents and the idea that he was sent to play god.
Oh that's a good one. The Kents fucked him up, basically telling him from an impressionable age that he was super duper special and sent to save people and make life and death decisions and that protecting his secret was priority #1, and that anyone who suffered because of it was collateral damage because he was So Important, and oh yeah humans are bad and will hurt you. Don't trust them. Which is summing up canon pretty much.
Okay it took me while to get my ideas on this straight without revealing everything from the get-go. Let's just say that there's a reason Clark is incredibly useful to Zod. Lionel build him into this guy who is supposed to be a 'savior' to the ugly ungrateful world that needs to be punished and Zod is responsible for his rebirth. He wants to use Davis, his clone/son, but he might be better off just sticking to Clark. Or not. Clark's hard to judge at this point, even with his friends. He's been molded to be steered by someone with a stranger personality. Alone he's kind of erratic and wants to be this hero with a destiny dangerously. (But I won't give you any Splice stuff that Lex's empathy turns him into a HORRIBLE SEX-CHANGE NIGHTMARE. He feels for Lex in a vaguely sad way because he's his only memories of genuine affection.... but... he's himself.)
That Zod/Clark thing is in the cards, the blood exchange is the beginning of Zod's plan. (which is to get killed by the traveler and kinda turn the prophecy on its head.) I say nothing more. But you got the hint! even woozy!
I love GAETA. I loved the little glimpse of him in beast I wanted him to be really just this snarky immature guy who had to grow up too fast, but he'd do everything to protect the traveler. He doesn't have fire powers, so you might not like to see the way he kills people. or maybe you might. He has to in the next chapter, which starts getting back to its violent roots.
LEXY! I was never subjected to the fake baby arc, so I have Memoria and Nemesis and the Pilot and I just really love him. SO TRUE! <3 Clark's trying to play old Clark again, but he's kind of forgotten to.
I had to use that line. It's just so pretty. Davis on the one hand cares about Chloe and wants to connect with her, on the other hand they've got this bond thing that makes her write everything off as not real. (She was already a bit messed up to begin with.) So it's going to be a little unstable ground for Davis as this goes on.
Davis IS such a mirror of Lex. While he grew up hunted like an animal, Lex was locked in his own guilded cage until he was taunted into going into the ugly outside and hardening to a level that Lionel is incapable of really getting. Lex is kinda having his own Charlie Crews storyline in this; the guy was a total BAMF.
Servant- You guessed it was Ollie first. But yeah, he's coming back in a big way. He's a vengeful mirror of Confessor!Chloe (because of what he's going through). Also, there's bouncer! barmaid! Lois. Your fault. The Number is really a way of taking his identity, and I'm gonna pull a Nik Kershaw here....
I tried to write that with Julian and Seth, that they're both about survival instincts. Actually Davis and Lex operate in the same way, the difference between them is that Lex made choices, Davis didn't have any. Lex was hurt over and over and eventually wanted to destroy everything he perceived as a threat, and though some of his practices were murky, the sentiment wasn't wrong. There was an alien threat. Dooms initially starts killing people as a way of removing potential threats. The problem with show Lex and you've got a chance to change that here, as I do, is that the writers didn't entertain the thought of his beign saved, because of the comics. That's fine except they shouldn't have made him so not-evil to begin with or they should have understood that Clark is dangerous and evil.
Clark, Clark, Clark. He was originally sent to conquer earth. The show dropped that plot though. In Splinter on the commentary they talk about how there's a part of Clark that thinks the world would be better off if he conquered it. Brainiac tempts him toward that (the plot never went anywhere) and Chloe represented humanity. He didn't think he could trust her because of her flaws, but it turned he could and so he believed humanity was worth helping.
The idea of Clark as an erratic blank slate is pretty scary, because even in the show, deep down we saw how he felt inside on that red K. He wanted money, power, and to dominate with force whenever he pleased, and I've alway sthought - dunno whether I've said this before - that a part of him hated Lex because this mere mortal had everything he wanted (money, power, etc) while he this superpowered creature had to be poor and work on a farm.
Clark deciding he wants to be a savior is scary in this instance. I havent' quite worked out what happens to Michael, but he ends up having to be stopped. The thing makes a point about religion, that people no longer want the harsh smite you for doing xyz god, but want either don't need a god or want a loving god. Zod in my thing wants sent "Dooms" like the Flood or whatever to punish those who disobeyed him. Like the opposite of Jesus, he sent his only son to destroy people instead of to save them.
but having someone like Clark become evil with good intentions is interesting, because history has seen it (Hitler, etc) One thing I've always found icky about Clark is that he has no real compassion, just judgmental morals. Davis has compassion and a real warmth to him. Clark is wooden. Lex had real compassion too, but was like a human Doomsday, abused over and over. Clark's woodenness makes him scary. So I'm interested to see where Clark goes in this.
BAWW you poor girl. He isn't put together all the time. Next time, I suggest throwing a personal pineapple at him. I on the other hand, had a Davis dream where I was watching him make out with Chloe who talked/acted like Lex through one of these security cams. Then I woke up.
I tried to write that with Julian and Seth, that they're both about survival instincts. Actually Davis and Lex operate in the same way, the difference between them is that Lex made choices, Davis didn't have any. Lex was hurt over and over and eventually wanted to destroy everything he perceived as a threat, and though some of his practices were murky, the sentiment wasn't wrong. There was an alien threat. Dooms initially starts killing people as a way of removing potential threats. The problem with show Lex and you've got a chance to change that here, as I do, is that the writers didn't entertain the thought of his beign saved, because of the comics. That's fine except they shouldn't have made him so not-evil to begin with or they should have understood that Clark is dangerous and evil.
All of this. with S1 Lex especially it's a a case of kickkickkick the puppy- with Clark and his issues and JONATHAN and then Lionel trying to mold him into something that would be invulnerable to how Clark's ripping him apart- but he's Lionel, and that doesn't come without it's UNhealthy dose of mental abuse. (In s1 I just wanted to smish lex- if Sv was going to shove the clichéd crazy/evil storylines in our faces they would have been better served by making Lex/Davis far darker from the getgo. Little details like mark Wahlberg rifling through his 'good' girlfriend's things in fear or something. I guess WE'RE better served though, because they end up with crap writing and we end up with some seriously woobie hot plot ideas in our heads.)
So Dooms is like Lex's extreme biological counterpart, without a choice. When Davis starts making choices (ie vigilante) it's because he didn't have them to begin with. Crossroads, I think is gonna be my glimpse into both of those happening at once with Julian and Seth.
I want that. In ~something~ I'm toying with the idea of having Lex find out about Davis's vigilantism while he tries to put himself back together.
So in other words you had a thinly veiled Dex dream? Awesome. I once dreamed Chloe was being an ass to him so we started making out instead. He was so strong. That's what I remember. And taller than Davis is.
Smallville would have been better served just making them bad from the getgo. But in SV speak nice guy with a job = bad. Lex, Davis, jason Teague (who was Dean from SPN. I don't know if you know that) I always remember the ep where Lana was almost raped. Clark responded like a dick and sort of victim-blamed. See what happens when you're alone at night in the coffee shop, Lana? Lex responded by attempting to relate to her and was quite compassionate when he accidentally startled her. Your personal space was violated. No wonder you're jumpy. Want to learn to feel more empowered? Of course, we were supposed to believe (I guess) that this was Lex' evil plan to get closer to her. Except it wasn't. The real problem is, of course, that MR and SW were better than the show and used their talent to subvert the bad writing and make us see something more interesting in their characters. TW can't do that. Neither could AA, or AM after a while and it contributed to the mess of s8. If she ever developed an internal logic for her character, it hasn't come across to me since s5.
Yeah Seth is going to realize how little choice he has pretty soon. Right now he's lying in bed. I was going to make Julian do something, but I have to be careful, because I don't want to make Julian and Ava redundant characters. Otherwise Seth is going to be like WHY ARE ALL YOU PEOPLE CHASING ME AROUND WITH CAMERAS AND CRAP? SINCE WHEN DID I WARRANT MY OWN PAPARAZZI?! Okay he wouldn't take in capslock, but still.
In Splinter on the commentary they talk about how there's a part of Clark that thinks the world would be better off if he conquered it. Brainiac tempts him toward that (the plot never went anywhere) and Chloe represented humanity.
I love the alien conqueror storyline. The truth is very few things are idyllic and sometimes the things you wish for can be the worst of all. I would have loved something that turned out camouflaged alien conqueror/ v scary with Clark, if the show actually paid attention to its own storyline. Agh. We needed to see more of that Kal.
Ooh that is interesting. So if Chloe represented humanity, in S10 why didn't he demolish the f-ing planet?
Clark hating lex? Wow that is dysfunctional, but I really se it. in many ways I think Clark did/should have been seen wearing his values like a mask. deep down on that red k he wanted some of the worst kinds of domination and still does, and the idea that some remain bit of pettiness wanted to destroy Lex for something like envy? Wow. because seriously, no one is so backwards as Clark when it comes to trusting someone. In Asylum, he HAD to have known it was wrong and lex wouldn't have betrayed him then. O-o This puts a whole new spin on it. it's going into my meta.
Ooh! Zod/God parallels. that's scary, but awesome religion meta. Clark is like what- the savior- that-was-never-meant-to-be-a-savior-becoming-a-more-terrible-successor-to-Zod.
I still ship Julian/Michael. The truck is their baby. But Julian still thinks Seth is hot.
Oh wooden!this!Clark! it's fun to write him at the same time, icky, because because of lex's feelings he's bound to interpret what he does in a more human way, but Clark's working on a far more calculating wavelength. He wants to do good for his own intentions- pride and fulfilling his destiny, and his bizarre protectiveness of Lex. He has no concept of how, though...
Allien conquerer thing, no one gets tired of that :) I don't know about Clark, but Michael's sort of a case of not being the best person to begin with crumbling under the weight of his self-appointed destiny. Too much power and the notion of "I'm the only who can do this" always leads to problems.
Clark himself though. I like to imagine him as not really being able to grasp human emotions. Like he tries to adopt them and display them, but he's too alien to really feel them at the gut level. So he thinks he's making good decisions, but really he's dangerous. Kind of like Souless!Spike when he tried to rape Buffy. He didn't want to do wrong. He didn't think he could do wrong to her, but he didn't have the capacity at the time to really understand right/wrong at the gut level.
It would probably be kind of offensive to say well Kryptonians just don't have the same emotional centers in their brains. Someone will make an analogy to racism and foreigners. Maybe it's just psychological. He got it into his head that he was different and he was so cut off because of his secret, and he felt so superior maybe human emotion is something he subconsciously shut off and didn't absorb much else but the black/white teachings of the Kents and the idea that he was sent to play god.
Oh that's a good one. The Kents fucked him up, basically telling him from an impressionable age that he was super duper special and sent to save people and make life and death decisions and that protecting his secret was priority #1, and that anyone who suffered because of it was collateral damage because he was So Important, and oh yeah humans are bad and will hurt you. Don't trust them. Which is summing up canon pretty much.
Yeah that would turn you into Clark . . .
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