That's all you have to know about SVs Doomsdays season finale in a nutshell.
- The Clois scenes. Lets not get into that. ICONIC? "I have to see what you look like. Do you have a pretty face??!!' yeah. *snooze*
- Oliver was a douche, again.
- The Clark-Doomsday fight was just what we saw in a leaked clip. It was not in much better quality, actually and about as suspenseful as watching a sleepy kid play Barbie.
- That was not Jimmy Olsen. hahaha. contrived.
- Clark runs away, for the millionth time. Why did I expect this?
I could have lived with all this if they hadn't messed with the heart of this season.
Most of all, if I went by canon I would now believe Chloe was manipulative and unfeeling, James Olsen was no longer the douche-bag of the bleeped out email but her heroic!OTL, and Davis as human would always be a monster. IMHO, this is the crap that Smallville pulls whenever they have the chance for some depth.
Really. What they did to the Chloe and Davis's relationship was the biggest, sickest, most disgusting copout I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing.
From what I've seen so far the reason Davis Bloome/Doomsday-the Ultimate freaking Destroyer was a compelling character is that he was a good guy. He was an EMT with a human side fighting against what he was becoming. This is what drove his arc. There was this sense of the inevitable for him, how no matter how hard he tried he wouldn't succeed in his fight, and a sadness because the good in him might have been set up to be disappear under his ultimate destroyer DNA.
Somehow Davis's love for Chloe (obsession is the Ollie/ fanboy route) held that monster half back some. He saw Chloe for who she really was, loved her, gave her space and was always the shoulder she needed (when Clark, Jimmy, and no one else could see the crap she was going through). Yeah, Doomsday was at the center of the whole Bride mess, but it was ironic and beautiful about how Davis was the one guy who saw her pain and actually listened in the aftermath.
Chloe Sullivan could see the good/strength in people. She saw it in Clark. She saw it in Davis as he fought the thing inside him and tried to kill himself not to hurt people(Eternal). She cared for them both. (again see Eternal). yeah yeah. You can recount to me the All for Clark! argument, but watching that death scene I don't freaking buy it. Despite the fact that it's been dropped in this episode TWICE!
She felt easy with Davis and shared a connection with him similar to the one she'd only ever had with Clark. Unlike Clark he was not a skittering girl , knew what he felt about her and told her right out.
She stayed with Davis. She had strong feelings for him (Dr. Emil and quite a few of her actions back this up.) She was strongly attracted to him as per the Beast Dream but afraid of the consequences of giving into her feelings.
So the show expects me to forget the deep, complex relationship that Chloe and Davis had in spite of all the adversity crap by saying 1. Davis split with Kryptonite was always a psycho (despite all that he did contradicting that with the freaking monster inside him) 2. Chloe was manipulating him the whole time or she has some sort of personality split.
The first part of the episode I could follow until Davis got separated by the black k.
He was lying on the floor, in a church, that Jimmy-needing-drug-money-Olsen had bought. Chloe kissed Jimmy in some crappy Clark-is-so-awesome-haze and then lightswitch!-psycho-davis stabbed him with a pipe. Chloe repeated her, 'oh I thought I loved you, but naw' and he attacked her, just like that, because she was the only one that ever loved him and if she was lying he had no reason to be good. This is contradicted by his major goal of saving people, the fact that he didn't want to hurt anyone. (Legion) which was further backed up by his action of ending his life not to hurt others(Eternal). And then he would just murder as a human?The woman he said he loved? (despite the fact that show!tells us that she either has a personality split or just plain cruel?) he wouldn't have done that. But I was still rooting for him.
Anyway, he suddenly became that woman from fatal attraction despite this until until jimmy-freaking-uniconic-olsen stabbed him. He died without fanfare and Chloe didn't look his way once. I checked. Chloe cradled Jimmy (with tears)!
I was left with the vague feeling of disgusted amazement that comes from being stuck in the doctors office with soap operas playing on mute.
Chloe and Davis deserved better. The fans of the pairing deserved better.
They wanted Clark to lose faith in humanity? fine. they could have had Jimmy actually kill human Davis, that would have actually been in line with his non!iconic CHARACTER, the whiny bastard. but no, PS3 has love for sick, sick crap like clana 2.0 which makes no fucking sense.And heroizing a complete dirt bag.
In conclusion. Goodbye Crapville! I'm not watching next Season, but I hope Zod kills everyone.
I'm off to un-crapify the episode in my brain and in my wordpad. Even lobotomized I couldn't possibly make it worse than what it was. And yes, Chlavis is still my OTP. I'm contrary that way. I'll probably still be posting fic even after my lovely tiny shipper corner vanishes into obscurity.
Now I'm going to be weird/desperate! and issue another freaky Challenge, those of you who do write and are unsatisfied? Rewrite the ep. I know I will be going to do just that. It can be anything Clarkoom, Chloe/Davis, Chloeorge, Dex! Anything is better than what we got tonight. I will review, of course. :p