Continuation of Lathe, Vessel and Lithophane.
Title Explanation: (Crucible- a vessel used for heating, melting and shaping materials at high temperatures).
Notes: An alternate take on the feeding thing. Finally, this part is done,
paraxdisepink.Hardest bit so far, and I felt sorry for Chloe and Davis. And yes, I've caved. Stuff happens. So, if you don't want to
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Yeah. Davis is one of those people. He's nice and knows how to behave etc etc, but if the wrong person pushed him too far or if he felt like he had to defend someone, I'm sure he could put on the hardcore act.
Have we grown a part 6? Oh dear. I like owe you my firstborn now haha He's not passive in part 2 of your thing. He's more of a dominant-submissive (I've got terms for this crap). He's easy-going by nature, I think, but like the fighting thing, I think if you push his buttons you could get him to pounce heh Right now, he's so depressed it's difficult.
Yep it's the godawful crimson sex couch hehe
AH Dooms as a kind of id makes sense, and Dooms absorbing Davis makes sense. There has to be some way to get the two "personalities" to connect (to be honest, the split doesn't make sense, although it is possible Davis could black out due to traumatic response and not for supernatural reasons of Dooms keeping his camo ignorant to maintain his cover) I don't know. I think of Davis as a big Kryptonian werewolf
If Rumpelstiltskin wrote Chloe/Davis fanfic he'd be dropping you a PM right now. :p It morphed, darn it.
dominant-submissive. Neat term. I'll get Davis out of his funk, never you fear.
The trailer to infamous doesn't make sense. :p But I get what you mean and the split can't be permanent. Now I will try and articulate my thoughts wordily.
I remember a conversion I had once about the stress of holding Doomsday back as having some kind of psychological side effects for the Davis that may be damaging.
From my standpoint in this long thing, the split results from Doomsday's attempt to assimilate Davis's personality/human side completely, not maintain camouflage. It's kind of like Davis's mind is creating the whiteouts to keep the merge from happening. (Guys got willpower.)
So far, its my only way of explaining the infamous spoiler of Davis sending Jimmy crashing into the wall for calling him Cloverfield. (Insert whiteout here)
Davis IMHO is dangerous when you push his buttons; but he's not going to be suddenly violent. (Oliver is quite capable of provoking him into it, with the Chloe blackmail and whatnot; but Jimmy's just not that good/manipulative/smart.) I mean, Cloverfied? I don't think it would provoke a strong reaction like that with Davis as Davis(He'd probably agree.:p). The only way Jimmy could provoke woobie face into some sort of violence like that would be if he posed some logical threat to Chloe's safety or his relationship to her. Which he doesn't. Now the id, however...
lolz. big Kryptonian werewolf.
Cloverfield heh so lame. Davis would agree, but I think maybe he smacks him for breaking into Chloe's place. Of course, there's the possibility Davis won't be the same person after Legion, so hmm. Maybe he got pissed off and didn't realize his own strength and there went Jimmy.
But then is the thing that he may not be able to now, considering how the ‘incubation’ might have amped up Doomsday. Gah!
They might very well do that on the show.
Well, at least someone gets to beat up Jimmy. ;)
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