(no subject)

Dec 14, 2007 22:41

So either my nerves [and by that I do mean physical] are all fucked up again, or I'm having psychosomatic pains. I know I have a pinched nerve in my left foot [feels like the fucking stigmata], but now I'm feeling cuts that aren't there and finding bruises I can't account for. It's no secret that I'm miles away from balanced but I'm not a self-mutilator. I don't know, I should've seen a doctor months ago but I've got no money or insurance so fuck it, it'll have to wait. Latest family shit is that I'm a dry drunk, they said this thinking I couldn't hear them because I still refuse to speak to them.

Now another thing that's been pissing me off, reality shows and commercials. To be specific drug commercials and all these shows that have a gay guy giving his opinion on how attractive a woman is. Now I'm no gay-basher & I've got some good friends who are gay as well as my father, but what the fuck would a GAY MAN know about what make a woman sexy. It seems like every time I turn on the T.V. theres another one, be it America's Next Top Model, some daytime talk show, or just about anything on Bravo theres a fucking slew of them. Writers strike or not this has to stop, show reruns or movies for fucks sake. Now to these fucking drug commercials, have you ever listened to the side effects? They sound worse the the fucking illness. "You have a cold, take this pill and it'll make you all better."" ::small print:: side effects may include rectal leaking and/or bleeding, erectile dysfunction, trouble sleeping, the urge to shave your pets and dress them in tiny clothes, and stomach discomfort. I mean shit, I'd rather have to wipe my fucking nose every 3 seconds then go through all that shit. Ya know when they look back on this era in the times to come they're gonna think that all the guys were gay, had small dicks, and couldn't get it up, while all the women were too fat, ugly, and pregnant at 15. WE were all on drugs and couldn't so much as wipe our own asses without a gay gay there to show us how.
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