((hello, hi, i slept about 3.5 hours last night and am quite delirious. (sidenote: i almost wrote delicious, but i'm not gonna lie; it'd still be the truth, heyyyy). wrote a paper last night/this morning (omg transcribing a 30 minutes interview. shoot me in the face so i'll never have to do that again), then had a midterm at 3:30. i don't think i failed though!! how awesome would that be!
i would like to lay on my comfy bed (did i tell you eric gave me a practically new mattress?) and go to sleep, but i have femsex at 7. DDD=.
kory said she's driving to socal and that i can roll with her, so i'm pretty pumped about this. otherwise i would have been sitting right here for that entire week ALL BY MY BROKE SELF. also, kory's jeep has good shock protectors (or something), and she likes to go over speed bumps faster than she should while singing the theme from Indiana Jones. it's really hilarious.
my professor hugged me yesterday! she's just about the most adorable person EVER. when she curses, it's so cute. she's also fucking badass, so win-win yo.))
this is the entry i was writing earlier before my short attention span sent me flying elsewhere. and now i'm going to bed, but first!
the other womyn in my piece =)