my thong's showin, but it's cool; my shoes go wit it

Jul 26, 2008 12:27

i've been writing a lot. i did a count the other day and found that my writing notebook is more than half full. this has got to be a record for me; i bought this thing at the end of may! i would LOVE to fill this up by the time the semester starts, and i think that is what i will do. what's really bothering me though is that my Word is failing so i have to used WordPad which is all kinds of lame. but whatever.

daniel posted a bulletin last night saying that the person he was planning on traveling to san francisco with canceled on him. he's looking for someone else to come with him. and my mind went straight to louis, of course. i hate that i can't stop thinking about it.

there's a protest party in the city tonight, and morgan and i will be going. it's called the left OUT party, and it's held outside the posh Human Rights Committee dinner that's happening in celebration of the LGB victories on the marriage and work protection fronts. victories made possible by dropping the T off the end of the acronym. interestingly enough, the Trans community are the ones that started this fight, back with the stonewall riots. the Trans community are also the ones who suffer from the highest numbers of homelessness, prostitution, and hate crimes. but apparently, dropping them off the back of the Human Rights truck and coming back for them later is a better option. the Trans community says "OH NO YOU DIDN'T. YOU PROMISED." and the hrc's like "welll better some than none?!?! we'll come back for you, forrealz this time." they're making a scene to send a message. and i'm excited about it. article that says it a lot better than i have.

femsex stuff is going smoothly, although i need to call lauren and get the last of the juggling set up. and i need to finish the reader. but other than that, i'm so excited for the semester! and thank goodness, no more panic attacks in sight.

i've been fiddling with my schedule for the past few days and realized that i might actually be able to go abroad for a year. but that's a big MIGHT, because my grades aren't exactly up to par. and i don't know if i can take all 3 of these classes at once. but hopefully i can, because after doing a bit of research, i am so fucking set on London, words cannot describe. so my fingers are crossed even though i'm trying not to set myself up for disappointment. but this is what i always do, lulz. so whatever.

yesterday i finally sat down and drew this for john. i know birds are kind of cliche, but it's not like i can actually draw, and these mean something. something about not forgetting you have wings too, that you're beautiful too, that you can still fly. he likes it but i don't really want him to get something on him permanently if he's not pissing himself excited to get it. so i don't know. but i'd be lying if i said i didn't want to get it myself lmao.

i'm getting my industrial next sunday! i'm megaexcited about it. ^_^

there's a block party happening outside. and i will probably not go join the festivities. {shrugs}

ok, enough rambles for now i guess. have a nice day. <3

queer protests, femsex, writing, body mods, louis

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