May 09, 2008 12:15
hey, friends. three papers, two extra credit assignments, and one exam from now, i'll be done for the semester. i'm sure i'll do them all this time. i hope. =/
i'm pretty sure i got my first A on a paper at Berkeley the other day. I thought i had misread it at first, but it definitely said A. i would be proud, but i literally wrote that paper 3 hours before it was due, and it wasn't good work at all. i think she was just tired of grading papers when she gave me that grade. BUT, i got an A nonetheless, i guess. >.> you know, whenever this happens, i realize how well i would have done in the class had i tried [mind you, the last time this happened was AP Calc in high school, but still].
speaking of calculus, jason wilkins, the guy who used to not-too-subtly hit on me in that class just added me to facebook. random.
everyone's asking things like, "what are you doing this summer?!" and i just frown and say, "i need a job." i mean it this time; because my family's scraping together to pay my rent this summer, and i'm still gonna need to buy food and sustain myself in other ways. no more games; i need to make a resume and start applying to any place that doesn't have a problem with the holes in my face and won't make me deal with meat. as you can see my options just narrowed a lot, lmao. but i'll find something. or i won't be eating. and food's important to me. although, shopping at safeway instead of andronico's would save me more than a penny.
last night was our last femsex class for the semester. it was powerful just like last time. ali told me i'm a true femme fatale. [ merriam webster says 1 : a seductive woman who lures men into dangerous or compromising situations 2 : a woman who attracts men by an aura of charm and mystery ] >.> i don't think i have an aura of charm and mystery?! lmao. cool that she thinks so, though.
wednesday night, Gen Eq had a Womyn's Leadership Caucus at unit 1, and the topic was sex. it was really interesting, although it would have been a better facilitated. when i was on my way there, i ran into dennie, and then connie was there and i knew alison who was facilitating it, and marisa who works at gen eq. then sarah [mo's partner] showed up, and later chloe and megan showed up. it was fantastic, and a lot of great things were said. i would totally hang out with them more often. =)
i think it be time for a nap. then to my extra credit assignments. =)
take a dive