so i have a new best friend as of today. her name is rafiki and she pwns hard.
pic. yes, she's dark blue.
...ok, yes, i bought a new camera. i am a horrible person. my sister/parents/grandparents can't know. >.>
in other news,
i bought new socks today!
and i'm tired. shut up.
i have two closets. =D
and a very very messy room. i blame the lack of desk/dresser/book case. i'm going to get those things soon...
my new boot! it pwns. especially when worn with the other one. nods.
[admit it, i scared you]
the view from the only window i look out of.
and my new dress i got at H&M for 9 bucks. and if you've been to H&M you know that's insane. oh, clearance rack, how i do love you.
also, paco texted me this morning. and i felt like a fool for being so paranoid. >.>
louis is coming to see me/the raiders this weekend. so uhm.. i guess i'll have something to update on tomorrow.... =D