and now i know, now i know, now i know that it's youuuu

Nov 06, 2009 12:35


my computer stopped working halfway through yesterday lol. but i manipulated it so that i could still finish downloading Who's Nailin Pailin. i don't get off on parody porn, but it's funny! and i might need it for femsex or something! who knowssss.

and i'm realizing lately that i really need to learn how to turn down free shit. see, i was conditioned to love shit that's cheap/free since i was very young. always hearing "no, we can't afford that," and "that's too expensive," and "you don't need that" has somehow led to me not being able to say no to free shit. in fact, the first times i smoked weed it was because a friend offered me some for free. and eric hooks me up with free cookies. and if i buy enough cupcakes from the cupcake truck, she sometimes gives me a free one! and stefanos bought me a drink, which led to me being drunk on wednesday night. and. i have issues. basically.

this morning i spent only 46 minutes on the phone with Dell, and they're sending someone out to come look at and fix my computer. how awesome would that be! i've been having problems with my computer so long that i literally get used to and forget about some of them. the guy had me run some test and he was like "that indicates that there are issues with the cd drive..." and i'm like OH YEA. FORGOT ABOUT THAT. (i'm so lame sometimes, seriously.) anyway. i'm excited for computer-fixed tiems!

on wednesday kory was asking about one of the little knickknacks devoutjoobjoob gave me that i have on my desk, a figurine of a little girl in a kimono i believe, and i was saying that my friend sent it to me. she asked me where i knew the friend from, and the answer was the internet~. after which kory just stopped. and blankly stared at me. for a few minutes, actually. and i was like, what?
kory: you never told me you had internet friends!
me: *squints* i didn't? ((but i was thinking: why would i have to tell you that?))
kory: no! you never told me!
ne: ..ok. *shrugs* yea. i spend a lot of time on the internet.
it was really awkward, for no real reason. she has never expressed interest in what i do online, even though she knows quite well how much time i spend on the ~webs. it was weird. i guess because i don't really distinguish that much between 'irl' and ~web friends. ((except in my phone! internet friends have "~*" after their names in my contact list, just so i don't confuse them with irl friends with the same/similar names.)) my flist is comprised of both, and the internet is my main mode of communication with irl friends that aren't local (hell it's my main mode for some people who live in berkeley too), sooo. idk. i forgot that shit like that is super different for some people? it's weird that i forgot, maybe. or it's weird that kory was so shocked by it... IDK.

the point is. i'm bored and felt like updating. whoop.

t'is raining! i need to go home and get my umbrella and galoshes. =D

yesterday i saw this!

let's end on that note. ♥

friends, jean luc, kory my lovely, rainbows and such, cameraphone, i'm kinda lame

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