title: It's hot
author: vanchi
rating: R for now
description: The weather triggers memories for Brad. And oh, does Brad remember.
disclaimer: i own all.
note: i've been reading a lot of roz's and alex's fictions lately. this is what came of it. you make me want to write better!
read. )
Comments 6
I love your writing. I'd like more of it thank you please.
i'm trying to decide whether i should add the second part or if it works better as a standalone.
and i have several projects halfway formulated just sitting on my harddrive.. i'll post some more soon lol.
Aw, Yes, Roozbit makes me want to write goodlike, doesn't ever happen though hehe.
I like it and I like you and your things and stuff with extra lovings. Plus, you write prettylike and that is loverly. o.O
=D Makes sense, perfect sense.
I need a fix somewherez!
i love your writing, crazy lady!
awe me likes you too and your awesomeness and etc.
i'll post some more after we move today, or tomorrow probably.
Yeah... my awesome is fantabulous!
Bah, take your time!
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