Jun 30, 2019 10:45
So sorry for all of the multiple posts! I'm new to the TTC thing and trying to understand everything, so we can do this right. I have been off birth control(combined pill) for a few weeks now.
First of all, I tried to take my BBT this morning, but since it was dark, I couldn't tell the temperature and decided to wait until it got lighter to look at it again. But, while trying to get it from the memory(it's one of those where it saves the last temp) it accidentally took the temp in my hand, so that is my last. Ugh! I can't record a basal body temp for today, will that throw off my charting?
Second of all, I've also been trying to check my cervical fluid and where my cervix is. Does lumpy and creamy mucus mean that you are not fertile and period is coming? My period is predicted to come in a week.
I have been charting on fertility friend, and it can't really show when I am fertile this month, since I just started charting. But it does show I will be after my predicted period.
Also, my cervix did seem high/medium and soft, so that kind of confuses me. Does that also mean my period is close?
We did have sex on the 27th and the 22nd. No idea if that was during ovulation or not, since it's only been a few weeks off the pill and still trying to understand these signs.
Thanks in advance for any insight! :-)