Sep 23, 2018 19:11
Back in June I had a Deep. I have since found that my Doctor has left the country. No one from the medical center has gotten back to me about follow ups to see if the procedure did what it was supposed to do. I don't know what my next step is. I assume a PAP is needed but my insurance usually only pays for 1 PAP a year and it must be after the year mark, not one day earlier. I am not sure how soon the PAP should be done after a LEEP to see if it worked...
... and if it didn't work, what procedure do I have to save up for? (my insurance doesn't seem to pay for many GYN procedures) I don't know.
I do know I need to find a new Doctor. Is there a type of Doctor that specializes in menopausal women other than than a GYN? All the Doctors accepting patients here are just out of school and their descriptions say they specialize in Obstetrics.