Apr 01, 2004 20:31
oh em effe gee
im so excited about tomarie....half day is gonnna be so easy and then fun fun fun after ok so cheech brought in the exact switchblade i wanted to work today and woulda sold it to me but it was $40!!!! the other one he has was cool but it didnt shoot out the top and hes sellin it to rick litz (i dunno how u spell it) tho...the one i want is....it was like heavy and had purple camouflage and when u push this one button and it shoots out the top it was so fucking coooooooooooooool....mmmm yummy so ya im in a good mood AND AND AND AND AND i got my bike w000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000t......i hope tomarie will be cool.....it BETTER
well im off
ta taa