Merry Second Day of Christmas!

Dec 27, 2006 03:22

HO HO HO, Green Giant.

second verse, same as the first, just a little bit louder and a little bit worse.

So, Let's start with christmas day.

Woke up around ten to the usual din and clutter (this time more colorful) of christmas morning. Kids got a play station. I totally warned my mother about this, but she didn't heed my advice. However, i will concede this little piece of information. There has been no playstation fighting so perchance i was wrong. (i don't admit this often, so relish in it while you can) Of course, the only reason i say it is because i think in the long run i'll be right.

Anyway, christmas day was pretty good. My dad didn't work (he normally does) so we had dinner instead of breakfast which meant no one had to be up all night preparing food. This meant all day was spent in preparation, but it was relatively laid back with little stress because there was no time limit. i think the only real drama was with Guerline. She was pissed she didnt' get all 15 things on her christmas list (actually cried) and accused my mother of only spending $10 on her. This of course with the usual fanfare, foot stomping, door slamming and hysterical 15 year old teenage high pitched screeching. Of course, i know this to be an absolute untruth as i was there when my mom bought her the bulletin board and i know for a fact it cost as LEAST $15. i went to tell guerline this and she slammed the door in my face. (dont' worry, i relationship was repaired later when i helped her hang the board. no need to panic) Anyway, she also got this game called "eat it" about snack trivia. interesting. did you know that. brach's peppermint candies have 12 stripes on them? Bo, guerline bill and i played the game christmas night (i won). we had a grand old time.

I actually missed christmas dinner, but if i had been in attendance i would have wooed them all with my 1980s pink polyester one piece pants suit. (it was my moms) man, i'm bringing that back to northampton. it's a hideous outfit.
Anyway, missed dinner becuase no day at home is complete without the "keller house panic attack" setting in and it set in around dinner time. i opted to lie down than to try and participate. It was nice, both my parents checked in on my and my dad brought me drugs! i know they care when they medicate me. Anyway, it didn't really matter. We had sat down to dinner the night before. It was much more informal, children took their food and scattered. My mom's friend Hobart was the only guest and ehs' the church organist. there's only so much church music talk i can take, so i'm glad i missed it honestly.

Anyway, i got (i know you're dying to know) a Bugs Bunny Chia Pet (successfully gave it away already), an ipod pillow (had to trade with guerline, she got pink and was very upset so we switched, mine was blue), the dvd oh brother, and another one about the kingston trio. i would have preferred socks and toiletries, but hey, an Ipod pillow! can't wait to use it.

anyway, christams day was fine.

So today, day two. Was equally amusing. I hung out with julie. we drank and smoked. watched the witches, ate taco bell and then i napped before coming home. on they way i called jana, stopped in harvard square (so thankful for my brothers car) and say jana, elissa, sara, sean (love him more and more) and sean sister whose name i forget.

now i'm home. i've taken 4 valerian root, 3 asprin (i have cramps) and am on my second glass of wine. I'm still wide awake. i wish i knew how to use the internet. then i could be a cool internet surfer. ah well.

ok my friends. congratulations on making it through the second installment. (i'm trying to rival lauren with frequency and sara with length.)
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