Here I go again on my own...

Sep 19, 2005 11:37

So I got my grades (80% of them anyway, one class still hasn't posted yet! DRATS!)

History of Graphic Design----A
Illustration Styles and Tech.--A
Digital Page Layout---------InProgress
Public Speaking------------A
Computer Image Manip.-----A-

Not too shabby. Yeah, I've got like, a 3.9 GPA and am on the deans list every quarter. It's not that big of a feat. If you:
A) go to class,
B) Turn in work. Anything. SOMEthing.
C) Aren't a malignant prick.
D) show SOME sort of enthusiasm or desire to do the/any/some work
E) make sure the teacher knows your name (ie You've had one-on-one conversations with the teacher)

I NEVER miss/skip class, I always have at least one convo with them because I always need clarification on something. Or I'll be having a strange conversation in class and they'll start to laugh because they're listening in and then join in the conversation. I'm generally likeable and think it's easy for teachers to talk to me, and vice-versa so it's cool. I really enjoy 95% of my teachers.

(here's where I defent my school)
People tend to think this school's shit because it's got locations all over the country. Well, Just because it's a "chain school" as they put it, doesn't mean that their faculty are all pressed out of a tuna can the afternoon before classes start. They're legitimate designers that work in the field in that city. And what better place than Seattle, WA to learn about GD from folks in the field?!?! There are HUNDREDS of design firms, even HUGE ones here.. Girvin Design, for example. I'll have NO Problem learning from these people here. Also, a lot of people seem to be stuck in the "conventional schooling" rut. Hrm. Well, what can I say? You get out of school what you put into it. Maybe in traditional schools and universities like UW, you don't have to put anything into it because it's all handed to you. "Read this, know this, take this test." Whereas at my school, it's "Watch this! Okay, now you do it. Now apply it to these criteria at home, and bring it in next week mounted on a 15"x20" black matte board." It's an ART SCHOOL. YOU HAVE TO BE CREATIVE. Yeah, you can sit there in the classes and coat your brain in teflon and let all the information slide right off of you, but it's an aweful lot of money to be wasting like that. I feel that I'm getting something out of it, a LOT actually.. so there is my justification for going to school where I do.

I don't want to go to the other school. I like MY school. Besides, I'm almost half-way finished. MKAY?!?!

Thank-you. NEXT?

Oh. BTW.. Mom arrives tomorrow and T-MINUS 4 DAYS TIL MONTANA-VACATION! WOOOOooooooosleeeeeeep....

school, grades, vacation

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