I miss / love technology. Unfortunately, more than you, you see..

Sep 25, 2005 22:45

We're talking, the ass of Montana. parts of the body that you don't know exist, if Mt. were a body.

Not really trapped. I'm really enjoying the relaxing time here. It's eerie to step out onto the porch of my aunt and uncles house and not hear anything. I mean, nothing. no wind blowing, no cars, no people, no house noises.. NOTHING. like, "OMG I'M DEAF!!!" kind of quiet. It's nice in a way, scary in another.

I feel very alone out here.. I've got all my family here and I love them all very much, but I feel so alone because I'm so far removed from most civilization. The city, Helena, is visible from the top of this "mountain" I'm staying on with Aunt and Uncle... but it's TINY. TINY TINY. Like, there are towns where I come from that are bigger.. AND THIS IS THE CAPITOL OF THE STATE. Oh-muh-guh-duhh! Holy cow.

I have some ridiculously beautiful pictures of this state, we went to "Gate of the Mountain" I think it was called. a gigantic CAVERN like mountain pass that Lewis and Clark came in on apparently. It was GORGEOUS. (no pun intended) I took a lot of pictures and even some panoramic bootlegs that I pasted together to show the whole place.

I also took the 4-wheeler out today and took a lot of nice photos. There were some "Mule Deer" that let me close to them, even on the 4-wheeler. They just stared at me as I immortalized them. Then I got some pics of the sunset (on the other side, not the actual sunset, there were mountains in the way that I couldn't get over in time. mountains, hills, they were all HUGE.)

Anyway, the scenery is amazing here, the views are breathtaking, the people are scary (I found ALL of the homosexuals today at the Starbucks drive-thru... They proceeded to talk me up and make my drink wrong. Thanks for paying attention, boys. To me, not my drink. I don't care about that. You thought I was cute and were trying to flirt with me. You get ten points!! (he only fucked up my drink becaus ehe was too busy talking to me.. then he appologized profusely... I had already waited for 5 minutes for my drink so I said "No worries, It's alright. Take care, good luck on getting accepted to SPU, Homo!!!"))

BLEAH. I return tomorrow at 7:30pm. Aunt Gladys gave me an Espresso machine. I hope it works. It's definitely nothing fancy, but it's cool that she gave it to me! I hope I can carry it on the airplane without a problem!! Don't wanna check it, Fool! Don't want it to break.

I MISS HIGH-SPEED INTERNET, CABLE, AND PEOPLE. I can't take much more of the small-town life... I NEED THE BIG CITY UP IN ME! (yeah, back there. up IN me.)

Time to go to bed. I have to drive from Helena to Spokane tomorrow, a 5.5 hour drive. need rest... so I can make it back to civilization! (OR Civilisation, as asyetuntitled might spell it..)

montana, civilization, bfe, vaginas, espresso machine

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