Sep 08, 2008 14:05
In my dreams last night I was a vampire character from a book series I'd been reading (also in my dreams). He was a loner who longed to survive and do not much more. With the information era being present, all transactions needed to be in either cash or under the table. Simple things like renting a hotel room required a false ID and large cash deposit to match. He did not fear sunlight, did not despise humanity as much as one would think. He was very melancholy and meticulous, taking his time before choosing a path of action. The problem was that he was being hunted. It did not matter by whom, because they were a great deal more careless then he, and as such he could usually manage to stay a step ahead, so long as he kept his eyes open and his disguise maintained. The thing I remember best was a ravenous hunger consuming him, making him weak, making him careless. This was something over which he had control, so long as he fed. I remember the thoughts of needing to feed before things get more careless. He had a really cool name as well to match, something like Amerelliad. Perhaps it was a last name or an alias, perhaps I've spelled it incorrectly, or perhaps it was simply the title of a chapter from the book that he kept by his side religiously.
Next, darting out the door I became myself again, only I was on a boat for a moment. The boat had docked, it was small, on a strange island. On closer inspection the island had a home, and the hope was filled with strange items people wouldn't just leave behind. I noticed some rather old but well maintained swords left there almost as if it were some sort of cashe. I claimed two for myself (the most like that which I was used to using) and we were all (there was a group of people I didn't know with me) attacked by island natives. It didn't much make sense to me, but if it could happen in Peter Jackson's King Kong...
I failed at dual wielding, and stuck with my trained forms, which worked fairly well but didn't compensate for the blow darts the enemy had acquired. Luckily I dressed up and wore too many clothes for the darts to get through, (and I wouldn't let them get a good aim on my head by charging them on a moment's notice when it looked like they might fire) so I had to be cut down by blades. Somehow I was able to establish that I challenged their leader, a shortish man, who spoke in gibberish and made me nod my head. Somehow it was now established that I'd fight his champion, a tall brute in a 1-1 duel. I was able to pick a better blade, although for me none existed and the fight was ready to begin. In the start, the large man put his sword behind his back and pulled up his hands, like in a slap-boxing fight. I swung vertically for his head, knowing well that I lacked distance and turned it into a (left side) thrust for this chest, putting the weight of my body into his neck, as he ducked. The match was stopped instantly as he would need more then medical attention to stop a rather unpleasant death that was to come. A translator (still alive) told me that the open-handed style was said to be the fighting style used by daemons in duels to prove their superiority, but clearly the man I had fought was not a daemon. At this I looked at the tribe leader confidently that I might just get out of this situation after disgracing their best warrior in single combat.
Cut to reality where the world is spinning and I can't read my alarm clock or find the off-switch. It keeps moving and I can't even read what time it is or what time it is supposed to be. I'm lost. I turn it off somehow, realize my inability to get up and walk correctly reset it and sleep.