Hi LJ, HI!!!
Sorry I just stopped posting and reading lj like that. I just got lazy about firing up my laptop. It's uncomfortable to sit in front of, and I don't have much room for it on my coffee table. So, I'm going to try to get in the habit of doing lj on my Kindle.
My life is fabulous, I'm feeling great, and doing chemo every other week. Pete,
fan_eunice and I are cohabiting wonderfully, and mostly I treasure each day that I'm on this earth. I've done all my xmas shopping and have the family get together planned out. Thanks to
fan_eunice we've been lighting our Menorah and doing a lame attempt at celebrating Hanukkah. Well, the best that a couple of lazy atheist Jews can do. :)
I hope all of you are happy and well, and I also hope to catch up a bit with reading my friends list. I love you all, and fandom, and I hate that I lost track of you guys these past couple of months.