Nov 27, 2005 22:29

1. Fallen for your neighbor? I haven't met my neighbors yet so no.
2. Made out with just a friend? most of my single friends for fun
3. Been rejected? yep
5. Used someone? yep
6. Been used? yeah back in my low self esteem days
7. Been Kissed? my favorite thing to do!!!
8. Done something you regret? I don't believe in regrets anymore.
9. Cried just to get out of trouble? hehe when i was a young lad.
Who was the last person...
10. You talked to? Keary on aim
11. You hugged? Keary
12. you imed? Keary
13. You Missed? my friends and family i haven't seen in 4-eva!!!
14. You yelled at? my sister
16. You laughed with? keary
17. Who broke your heart? no comment
18. Who told you they loved you? no comment
Have you / Do you / Are you...
21. Have any piercing? tongue
22. Have a 6 pack? it's in there somewhere
23. Own your own house? nope
25. Speak any languages? i'm trying to learn english
26. Cook your own Dinner? the highland cafe makes all my meals
27. Color your hair? i quit for now.
29. Stolen anything? i used to steal all kinds of things. still do when i am in survival mode.
30. Smoked? yes
32. Obsessive? depends
30. ADD? in classes
34. Have a crush on someone? no comment
35. Panic? only when i feel hypochondria and see a bird
36. Anxiety? after tests
37. Depressed? sometimes
38. Control Freak? nah i just go with the flow
39. Obsessed with hate? i dont hate or try too
40. Have a tattoo? nope

41. If you could be anywhere, where would it be? i don't know i fantasize a lot about running away to an exotic location...
42. Can you do anything freakish with your body? i will when this yoga get's really good.
43.What feature do you find most attractive on girls/guys? eyes and lips
44. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president? depends what party i decide to join
45. Would you marry for money? no but it does help
46. Have you had braces? yes! and i really should wear my retainer. i will starting tonite!!!
47. Do you wear lip gloss? chapstick for my chapped lips during the winter
48. Do you sing in the shower? hells yeah
50. Could you live without a computer? probably not
52. Do you use AOL, MSN, YaHoo? AIM all the time and yahoo to pick on people with LISA!!!
53. If you could live in any past, when would it be? the 20's were kind of hott.
54. Do you wear white socks? with most shoes
55. Do you wear shoes? i prefer flip flops
56. What is your favorite fruit? i love grapes
57. Do you eat wheat bread or white? wheat when i feel healthy
58. What is your favorite place to visit? mississippi to see family and my friends apts around here.
59. Fav DVD? don't have one
60. Do you kiss on the first date? depends on the setting
61. Are you photogenic? LOL HELL NO
62. Do you dream in color or black and white? um color
63. What are you wearing right now? jacket, shirt, shorts, boxers, and flip flops
64. Do you eat a lot of fruit? nope
65. Do you have dimples? on the tip of my nose
66. Do you remember being born? no but i know it was a beautiful event
67. Why do you take surveys? i really can't tell you.
70. What is the best accent? i love southern and english
71. Who do you want to kiss? whoever wants to kiss me!!!
72. Do you like sunsets? during the romantic times
73. Do you want to live to be 100? sure why not
75. Do you or have you played with a ouija board? nah
76. Are you loyal? i try to be to my friends and family
77. Are you tolerant of other people? most of the time i try
81. When did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real? at a young age
82. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet? like 4
84. Do you write poetry? only when i feel dark
85. Snore? nope i hope
86. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides? side
87. Do you like Cats/Dogs? both
88. Do you lick stamps? when i mail something
89. Do you use an electric can opener? yep
90. Have you ridden in a hot air balloon? no
91. Like your name? i guess
92. Were you named after anyone? no
93. Do you wish on stars? no
94. Which finger is your favorite? my middle when i don't feel like saying something to the people who piss me off.
95. When did you last cry? no idea
98. What is the number one priority in your life? school and having a life
99. Any bad habits? hypochondria
100. How many kids do you want? undecided
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