I assembled a team of the world's snazziest cosplayers to take it all by force. (AX 2010, Part 3/4)

Sep 22, 2010 02:04

What I did not expect was that my idiot brother would do the same!
- Blutarch Mann on the original BLU team

Day 3 of AX. Wow, this is slow. But then, this was the bestest day for me. Why? It was the Valve Meet-Up.

I think the Scout wants the pics back.

The next set is from the Valve meet-up. It was moved 4 times due to the sheer size and how much traffic we ended up blocking, and even then, had to rotate between 3 groups (Left4Dead, TeamFortress 2, and "Other"). The TF2 and the L4D shots were being done at the same time, so it wasn't possible to get L4D on their own, but they will appear later.

Reliable Excavations & Demolitions (RED Team)

Builders League United (BLU Team)

Need a Dispenser here!

It's a Black Scottish Cyclops!

Boom. Headshot.

Then he used his fight money to buy two of every animal. And then he herded them onto a boat... and then he BEAT THE LIVING CRAP OUT OF THEM.

What is dat sanvich? Kill them all? GOOD IDEA!

Ze healing is not as rewarding as ze hurting.

"Ma petite chou-fleur"

A serious case of crabs. Spy Crabs.


"Murr hurr mphuphurrur, hurr mph phrr."

Cauliflower and Sandwiches?

Welcome to City 17's Anime Expo...

And now we all sang about delicious cake. No, not that kind you sick people.

So how big was the Valve gathering?

Would you believe... THIS BIG?

Amazing what a game running off the Quake engine lead to. (Quake I. Yes. Quake ONE.)

Leek Spin

This was more shades of awesome than you could shake a Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker at.


Somehow, I get the feeling Pedobear is in for a world of hurt.

Side note, but they were also very short, thus making them even MORE doll-like.

I am sure there is a very very interesting fanfic based upon Sailor Moon ditching Tuxedo Mask , and hooking up Queen Beryl. I mean, this is the Internet we are talking about.

Neat steampunk gathering.

I swear to all that is Dark and Hentai that I did not script this one, Green Hair started doing this on her on volition.

Floooooon! (For the record, I love Drifloons, they are one of the bestest Pokemons ever.)

It's Hong Meiling. Not China.

The strongest.

Clap if you believe?

Septette for the Dead Princess

I'm not sure how he/she/they/it could see out of there, but it was eerie watching it turning and looking at people.

It's going to be okay, Duke! Just come on out, you have people who still care about you!

Yes, those are a Princess Peach and Princess Daisy dolls in those cages.

It was back this year. It was still as awesome as ever. Hell, it even got some upgrades.

I am not kidding whem I say that less than 10 seconds later, it was angrily mobbed by people. I failed to get any pics because I was too busy staring at the dogpile that formed.


anime expo 2010, cosplay, anime expo, ax

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