*wait* -page loads-
*spot thumbnail*
Ooo. Naked chick in a box.
*reads other stuff*
*quickly scrolls back up*
*does a double take*
*cautiously clicks to open in new tab*
*says a silent little prayer*
It's not a penis. It's not a penis. It's not a penis. It's not a penis. It's not a penis. It's not a penis. It's not a penis. It's not a penis. It's not a penis. It's not a penis. It's not a penis. It's not a penis....
Goddamn it's a penis. I hate you Japan.
*browse browse browse*
*clicks for /b/* (Feel free to pre-emptively gibber in terror now)
*reads horrible horrible post*
My girlfriend is cute and smart and she's awesome (Suiseki) 06/08/25(Fri)11:39 No.758
My girlfriend is cute and smart and she's an anime faggot like me
The other night she and I were cuddling in bed and she started humping me and whispering "oniichan oniichan" and that turned me the fuck on
so I called her "oneechan" and then she stopped and looked at me and I said "what is it" to which she replied "I always wanted a twin brother so we could fuck all the time" (she's an only child and all I have is a younger brother)
so all night long we were humping and calling each other oniichan and oneechan and I came in my underwear and we were pretending we were brother and sister trying to sexually please each other without having sex and it was fucking hot
*opens up amazon(dot)com site*
*orders an ice pick to preform lobotomy with*
*looks at fake motivational poster collection*
Rule 34: Raping your childhood since... Wait, is that Mythbusters? Oh, Fuck You Internet. FUCK YOU.
*prays for speedy delivery of aformentioned ice pick*
Odd bird.