Nov 23, 2010 13:46
lol this thing at church is getting so annoying to me. It started out as an interesting theological thing, but now it's pushing its conservative agenda, and I just dnw anymore. I have better things to do than hear about how America has fallen from "its great heights". Yup, because we should have built this country on the intentions of the founding fathers, not what the words they wrote actually mean.
Do they realize that means an active slave trade? Seriously. It's a little bit more than the recipe for you feeling warm and fuzzy because the gays aren't living in ways you think they shouldn't.
It's like lilymud all over again, but this time I'm afraid to have my own opinion because I am lame and hate confrontation. To avoid it I should just go and keep my mouth shut so nobody asks questions but ughhhh I have better ways to spend two hours than go somewhere I'll know I'll get frustrated, so "where were you" questions it is. I have been "sick" twice, and I'm positive the voting excuse won't work tonight ;D
Ghhhh :(