Mar 15, 2004 17:28
And I'm back! ^_^ Home is nice... especially since I get to spend the first few days home alone. AND my mom left me the keys to her car! Sweet! Obviously, this is the time to take a road trip... uh... somewhere. First thing that pops into my head is LONDON!! TOTALLY! But then my brain reasserts itself and reminds me that, unfortunately, I cannot take a road trip to London unless I try really, really hard, and even then I might end up a little wet, with a very angry mother when she returns to find seaweed on her car's upholstery and possibly a small and irate shark in her trunk.
And I'm tired. Very tired. Verging on slap-happy -- wanna know why? TEKKOSHOCON. No sleep. Raved (in the Meg-sense of the word, meaning not, because she can neither dance nor rave) all night Saturday night, after no-sleep for many nights before that. I can't recall a night the past few weeks (before this weekend) where I went to bed before 4 AM... So why am I not unconscious in my bed right now, you ask? That's a good question! A very good question indeed! So good that I cannot answer it lest I spoil the stunning conclusion!
So now I'm here. And all of you are elsewhere. Lalala. Obviously I shall steal Kiimu from TJ and carry her off to have mad lesbian orgies and by orgies I mean TV-watching marathons and by lesbian I mean Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
And now for a song-and-dance number. *falls asleep*