May 02, 2005 15:48
Well my weekend was ALOT of fun! One thing that wasn't so great was that Marshall had to go to his dad's house so i didn't get to do anything with him :(....but anyways....
Friday: After school I came home and got ready to go to the MCHS games with Addie, LL, and Briana. Addie came by and picked me up around 4:45, and we met Briana and LL there. Me and Briana got really hot and sort of bored so me and her left and went to Overton's house to see Ryan and Brandon and wait until Addie and LL left the game. When they got ready to leave the game me and Briana went to the school to meet them to show them where Brandon lived. After sitting at his house for a while the three of us went and got food and Briana stayed with Ryan. Later that night a few more people came to Overton's and we all went riding until about 11 when we had to meet Nikki and Adam at Taco Bell because Nik was staying with all of us at Briana's mom's house....
Saturday: Prom Day! =D!!! Woke up after 7 hours of sleep at about 9:15 :S...We all piled in Addie's car and took Briana to get her car because she left it at someone's house then Addie took me and Nik home. I came in a got a shower because i had to get ready to go get my hair done for prom! While she was curling my hair Dane and Parker come in to talk to me about that night because Dane wanted to tell me that he was going to pick me up at 6:00. I got home from getting my hair done around 3:00 and just layed around, watched a movie, and repainted my toe nails to match my dress=D! Dane picked me up at 6:00 and we went back to his house to take pictures with his friends. After we all took pictures we headed out to the school to take pictures there! When lead out was finally over and after all the parents left, it was a lot more fun! We ate and then danced, and while the band took a break Chad and Maxwell decided to play the guitar and sing! The prom ended around 12 so after that me, Dane, Parker, Jayme all went back to Dane's house to change before we went to the breakfast at 12:30. We left the breakfast at 1:00 and took Jayme home then went back to Dane's for a few minutes because Patrick and Candace were waiting on us there. Then Dane took me to Sarah's because I was staying the night there, and me and Sarah didn't go to sleep until 2:30
Sunday: Caught up on some sleep!!! Woke up around 11:30 ate breakfast and then Sarah brought me home around 12:30. Layed around for a while then went with Mom to the store and to get some lunch. Got back from doing that around 3:00. Marshall called and wanted me to come over so I went over there and they brought me home around 5:00. I was really tired by this time so I took a nap until like 6:30. The only reason I woke up then was because Adam and Nikki came and jumped on me to wake me up!