Wrap this up stewart
We've got shit to do
My feet hurt
I can't hear what you're yelling
Don't blame your hate on god
I <3 critical thinking
Rainbows are light refractions not miricles
If god didn't want us to invade other countries why did he make them talk funny?
Fear- because rational caution isn't enough
Eat more and bigger pretzles
No more disconfabulation- life should be confabulous
[citation needed]
I know how to spell. Yes, I am an elitest.
Masterbating bipartisan alliance
Here to lend a helping hand
Eschew obfuscation
Don't vote angry
Weed bags not tea bags
Only hitler was hitler
My political views can't be summed up in a pithy sign
Every time someone reads this sign, obama kills a kitten
The cake is a lie
Thank god for atheists
Canadians for not very much
An american against self rightiousness
Equal rights for wizards
Walk left stand right
If it tastes like chicken, who needs the fda?
Expect the expected
Save paper
To sanity... And beyond!
The free hand of the market touched me in a bad place
I like you
Magic everywhere up in this bitch
Tea-party: cut cost in government we'll rule you all for free
Fear and balanced
Settle down and vote
Compromise is sexy
No time to make a better sign
Save childish bickering for xbox live
If you want me to marry you I'll marry you
I could be wrong...
Free boosie
If obama is a mexican can we have fridays off?
My top three favorite tools hammer sickle beck
Glen beck raped me
Down with signs
Ban slogans
This space for rent
Give change a chance
Have you ever seen a grown man naked?
Sanity is my co-pilot
I'm mad as hell and i'm probably going to keep on taking it!
Truth is not determined by how loudly it is shouted
Hope and change haven't clocked out of this shift yet
Calm down
More bike lanes
One of us, perhaps both of us may be correct
Don't be a douche
Let freedom mame
Can't pronounce it? Don't eat it!
Hi mom
Fuckin' politics- how do they work?
I have a scream
Yes we can! ...but
It's not going to happen overnight
(chicago) crazy for sanity!
Remain confused
Go go power rangers!
Let free-dumb reign
Moderation to the extreem
Trust queer atheists
Jon stewart, virginia is for lovers. Call me.
Pailin snooki 2012
Kittens are taking over the government
Don't masterbate while practicing witchcraft
I was told there would be justin bieber
People behind me can't see
I'm with the hippies
War is the answer
As long as the question is "who sang low rider"
Go steelers
Make chai not tea
Support the metric system
To exist is to resist I am palistinian
Don't let no win
Napolean was responsible for 9/11
Never mind I found it
We are muslim please don't burn our signs
Make beer not war
The end is near sighted
I believe in sanity claus
Will protest for lsd
Don't teabag me bro
My marrage can survive gay marrage
Arab communities ftw
I touched your children
Rally to restore sanitation
My patriotism > your patriotism
Testicular fortitude for the democrats in congress
Pigeons sometimes have really cute feet
God hates people who hate fags
Legalize dinosaurs
Lack of reason act of treason
You are all immigrants
Future mrs stephen colbert
Support american commercial space flight
Legalize pot (seen aproximately 1800 times)
I filibustered your mom last night
Cuthulu 2012
Why vote for the lesser evil?
The gay agenda 2010:
1destroy marriage
2make adopted gay babies
3replace camo in military with rainbow jumpsuits
The end is not for a WHILE
If we don't rebuild the deathstar the terrorists will win.
Hyperbole is destroying america
No skittles for welfare recipients.
Look at me!
I would rather be mining
Torte reform- fruity and half baked
The only thing to fear is elmo
I may like political humor, but you should take my vote seriously.
I brought sandwiches
Democracy not pleutocracy
I <3 lamp
Do we look brown? Should we show you our ids?
You got me here... Now what?
Who's gonna tell glen beck the germans didn't bomb pearl harbor?
Niceness is priceless
Mustache rides- $5
I understand if you disagree with my point of view
Im okay with that
Signs are an impractical medium for civil discourse