rest in peace, betti page

Dec 12, 2008 03:58

I will admit, the most I have ever learned about the actual facts of this... well... iconic woman (it is difficult to judge her as a beauty from my persective because she has been opressively influential before and through my lifetime) have been in the last fifteen minutes. one of the things I learned was that she was still alive until yesterday at 85.
I suppose I assumed with my squed rock mentality that she died at 27.
but wow. a beauty. ms paige... if only you had sang happy birthday t jfk, there is no way his heart would have allowed him to stop living. bullets are pretty much shitty metal trash compaired to your imagry.

I could keep going on, but it is odd to find out that someone who was beautiful without discourse noteworthy compare (yeah. there have been other beauties. I married one. but to compare them is to assume that there is an overarching aesthetic that is devined by plato ad insurmountable- a devine form of beauty, if you will. which is simply as rediculous as it should be.) should be something I could have documented through the years from my earliest days.
this pleases me because I truly adore bettie in how I remember her representation.

I am saddened, however, because this arguably objectivly beautiful woman lived until 85, and because of the sqeue of documentation, I have no idea yet what a paragon of modern marketable gorgiousness looks like at her age. and furthermore!

is her advanced image altered by modern plastic surgery? if so it seems hardly less than a desicration, and inquiring minds want to know!
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