This one goes out to Syn, and her oddly endearing whine.

Jan 17, 2008 14:18

I've been imagining all day that the blanket of snow outside is actually a blanket of shock-crete and that is is the begining of my post-apocalyptic life.
I was pretty cool with that.

My first order of buisness (in this little fantasy of mine) is to find a jackhammer to excavate the nearby Giant grocery store. I think I'd take the red wine first, and then any of their other stuff that hadn't been refridgerated.
Next of course would be water and pasta, followed by canned pork and beans.
Then would come all of their batteries, and maybe a flashlight or a million.
Then anything to make fires.

By this point in time I would probably have my first encounter with some feral mutated semi-intelligent shamble, which I would almost get totally eaten by but have a narrow escape.
So my next occation would be to find transport (excavating a garage, I suppose) wherein I would be right away to southern MD, in search of many wonderful guns.
By the time I got back, Jenn would probably be home from her last day of work (harley people wouldn't run the shop anymore, they would just loot all the bikes and take to the road). Therefor I would have to convince her that yes, I am in fact allowed to have all those tasty guns in the house.

Anyway... soon I have to leave for work. Believe me- I will be berating the pansy-ass non concrete snow all the way to the metro.
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