сонет "Речь без слов-1"*

Sep 09, 2007 20:18

*продолжение следует
по заказу petrark


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petrark September 9 2007, 17:00:37 UTC
Не вижу. Мухлёж правилами игры не предусмотрен ;-)


vadimkmm September 9 2007, 17:41:45 UTC
ну там же напсано в теме: речь без слов-1. Нормальный я когда напишу, тогда напишу, а пока вот, для разнообразия. Когда мне сонеты писать - я чиатю литовский, а то препод заругает, он у нас строгий - ужас.


petrark September 9 2007, 17:57:20 UTC
Хитренький ;-)


vadimkmm September 9 2007, 18:22:04 UTC
да, обещанного три года ждут. где zelenka???


petrark September 9 2007, 19:01:23 UTC
Я знаю. Я помню. Это не так просто, как тебе может показаться, мне надо подготовиться :-)


Zelenka bhp1 September 9 2007, 19:43:05 UTC
Just for curiosity -- which Zelenka? I have a wonderful recording of 6 trio sonatas (2 CDs) with fantastic oboe and bassoon players, and the bassist is the brother of the linguist Tomas Hoskovec, who (while still a graduate student) was "assigned" to be one of my main cultural hosts in Prague in the fall of 1989 -- and he was a great cultural host as well as an interesting and good linguist. (I should say politico-cultural; he took me to various things that were borderline legal, and he invited me to come with him to the demonstration and march (most of it legal) on the afternoon and evening of November 19 (if that's the right date) that touched off the Velvet Revolution.) And then it turned out that his brother is a very fine musician, and I heard this group do the Zelenka trio sonatas live -- they were fantastic -- and then Tomas got the CDs for me ( ... )


Re: Zelenka petrark September 9 2007, 20:05:48 UTC
Are you still in Moscow?
Yes, sure, I mean the very Zelenka you wrote about.


Re: Zelenka bhp1 September 9 2007, 21:26:28 UTC
I'm in Amherst now -- our fall semester has begun. I'll be back in Moscow by mid-December (and will teach a semantics course at RGGU in the spring semester.)
I just checked: the actual Zelenka CDs are in Moscow. I have them in my computer in two formats: .rmj (from when I was using RealPlayer) and .m4a (my iTunes version). Will either of them work? (Or is this something you already have, and you're supposed to give them to Vadim?)
And as for the Schubert trios that I promised you so many months ago, let me check:
yes, same thing. CDs are in Moscow, and on my computer I have .rmj and .m4a. I'm pretty sure the m4a version was the one I uploaded before and you said it didn't work, but I don't think we tried .rmj. Do you know if that format could work for you? Or whether I can convert it to something better without having the actual CD here? (And if so, how?)


Re: Zelenka petrark September 10 2007, 06:59:43 UTC
I have two recordings of Zelenka's trio-sonatas: this one and this one.
As for your kind offer, I would prefer to wait till you are back in Moscow. Vadik was speaking about my promise to write a post about Zelenka - actually he didn't know who it was :-)


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