Oct 07, 2016 18:51
Было интересно.
- Anyone have a good suggestion for how to translate работник центра?
Товарищ Поцелуев -- известный работник центра, наш горожанин. Теперь из Москвы в отпуск приехал. - In chapter 8, Bender addresses Panikovski with this phrase
Молчать, золотая рота! -- закричал Остап
I understand it means something vaguely like "ruffians" and assume there's a pun here on золотой рот, but I could use some ideas for how to translate it. - In Chapter 7, the Antelope crew are 'окруженные заботами деревенского актива'. What is the precise meaning of актив in this context? Is it the socially active population of the village, the leadership, everyone of working age?
- Right at the beginning of Chapter 7: В травах кричала мелкая птичья сволочь.
Right now I have "little bird swine were yelling in the grass" for this but I am open to suggestions.
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