The first time in a long time

Mar 02, 2006 16:04

Ok, So I've slacked off a lil on the whole LJ thing. oops. Skip down to the bottom if you don't want to read about all the crap that is going on. well things have been kinda crazy around here lately, but in a good way. I've had a lot of scout stuff going on, trying to get my eagle project going and all, as well as trying to run the troop and plan for the spring camporee, which PJ has "volunteered" to be an ASPL for. thanks PJ. I've also got soccer going again, and I'll actually be able to play in the game this weekend even though I'm technically still recovering... I won't tell my doc if yall won't. Coach said that he would put me in at D, since that is where "you will be able to aviod contact with other players the best there." Little does he know that Brandon Clark doesn't know the meaning of the words "Non-Contact soccer." If I come in with a cast or something next week... well it was the other guy's fault. Lets see what else... O yes, the Lit project, which Ans did an absolutely fabulous job on, is starting to freak me out a lil bit. I'm gonna TRY to speak in a semi-British accent, even though my poet is american (don't ask), so I'm just a little nervous about preforming in front of everyone. And the physics is still eating my social life... but its all good. And then of course, I've got the Rush Chattanooga seminar that I'm still working on... I really need some divine intervention right about now...
So lets review

Things that are going good:
1) Soccer is going again
2) I don't have a scout trip this weekend
3) I will be done with my lit project tomorrow

Things that I can still use your prayers on
1) My Grandpa is still undergoing Kemo
2) I'm swamped with scouts (eagle, troop, camporee)
3) I'm still working working out the kinks in my Rush Chattanooga seminar

thnx yall
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