Why Padme Falls for Anakin

Jul 01, 2005 00:12

Intoxicating::Why Padme Falls for Anakin

What's smart girl like Padme doing with a whiny brat like Anakin? )

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ex_notchosen745 July 1 2005, 04:28:12 UTC
2. There is nothing more attractive than someone in love with you.
Er, not always. Sometimes when a guy "loves you", it comes off as stalker-ish.

I still hate Anakin. Yeah, sure, he loved her..but in the end, he choked her. Acceptable? I think not.

I know, I'm so negative. That's only because I believe that true love is impossible to gain. Cynical ol' me. ;)


snlchicka July 1 2005, 06:00:36 UTC
I could easily fall for Anakin.Hes very deep,and romantic.I think Padme fell for Anakin for all the little sweet things he does,some guys are totally different around a girl,anakin treated her with so much love.Until he went to the dark side that is......


ex_notchosen745 July 1 2005, 18:01:48 UTC
Anakin is deep? Romantic? Hehe. Sorry, but guys that use pick up lines involving sand just aren't my type. ;)

Anakin is sweet, sure--when he isn't complaining about how he's being held back, or killing Tusken Raiders, or saying how he supports dictatorships...Anakin is like a grown up teenager. I don't find that attractive. *shrug*


snlchicka July 1 2005, 20:40:04 UTC
Well,i think he has this sensuality.And it makes him completly sexy and romantic.Sorry but thats my thoughts


ex_notchosen745 July 1 2005, 21:01:44 UTC
Good looks and sensuality fade over time, but intellect and mind always stay.

Nah, don't be sorry. To each his own. Heck, I think Obi-Wan is hot, but others think he's "gross". Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. :) ♥


vadersangel July 2 2005, 01:36:16 UTC
thanks for your comments. i love Anakin despite his faults but i know there are many. you're right about his teenage-ness but during AotC he *is* a teenager and even in RotS he's SO YOUNG. i think it was very deliberate - these are the mistakes that youth make - Anakin, Padme, even Obiwan, even Yoda - Yoda is so much wiser in ESB...what he tells Luke about being "luminous" is so much better than what he tells Anakin about becoming "one with the force" though the message is pretty much the same.

and AotC Obiwan is hot ;)


ex_notchosen745 July 2 2005, 12:40:18 UTC
I really respect you. Unlike other "fangirls", you don't say "OMGZ ANAKIN IS SO HOT! ANakin + PADmde 4eva!" =P That is what annoys me, when you have these 10 year old girls who don't pay proper respect to Star Wars. So yeah, props to you. :)

I adore Insane!Yoda in ESB. He's too damn cute. ^_~


vadersangel July 2 2005, 15:23:02 UTC
thank you and i share your annoyance ;)

hahahaha "Insane!Yoda" <- makes me want to make a color bar


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