Farewell to Naboo's Angel
Thousands gathered in the Lake Country of Naboo last night to pay final respects to their most beloved public servant. Padme Naberrie Amidala, Senator and former Queen of Naboo, was laid to rest amidst a hundred flowers and the tears of her entire planet.
Elected Queen at the tender age of fourteen, Amidala was a passionate leader. During her reign she successfully defended the planet against the droid armies of the Trade Federation; formed an alliance with the Gungans; and was instrumental in bringing about the appointment of now Emperor Palpatine to the position of Chancellor of the Republic Senate. Amidala was so adored by her people they made motions to amend the articles of the planet in order to allow her to serve beyond her term.
Amidala, however, was destined to be more than the Queen of a small planet. Appointed to the Senate by former Queen Jamilla soon following her election, Amidala was one of the brightest lights in the recently beleaguered Republic. She was one of the strongest voices within the Loyalist party to the point where her life was constantly in danger from the Separatists. Undaunted by attempts on her life Amidala valiantly fought for the Republic, both within the walls of the Senate and across the galaxy, up until her untimely death.
Senator Amidala was killed during the recent insurrection of the Jedi. The exact details of her death are unknown but her close personal ties to the Jedi, particularly Jedi Master Obiwan Kenobi and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, are well documented. Both Kenobi and Skywalker are missing and presumed dead after the tragic events of the Jedi revolt. It is unknown if they were a part of the conspiracy and what hand, if any, they may have had in Amidala's death.
Queen Apailana, who has called Amidala one of her heroes, called for a Day of Remembrance following the memorial ceremonies. Representative Jar Jar Binks, a Gungan councilman, was so distraught at the loss of Senator Amidala he was unable to comment but followed her during the funeral procession, head bowed and speechless. Emperor Palpatine, himself a former Senator of Naboo, was unable to attend the service but had this to say of Amidala:
"She was instrumental in bringing about the rise of our new, peaceful and prosperous Empire. Without Senator Amidala I may never have been given the chance to create this new society and for that I am ever in her debt. It is a tragedy that our new dawn must come at the expense of such a young and beautiful life but I am sure her soul may rest in peace knowing her sacrifices have returned order to the galaxy."
Padme Amidala was 27 years old. She is survived by her parents Ruwee and Jobal Naberrie; and her sister Sola Naberrie, brother in law Darred Janren and two nieces Ryoo and Pooja Naberrie . She never married, nor had any children.