AnakinxObi-wan::Come Sweet Death

Oct 30, 2005 22:08

This has been a labor of love...upon watching all the Star Wars movies in order I've determined that the relationship between Anakin Skywalker and Obi-wan Kenobi is the most far-reaching and poignant; while Anakin/Padme drives the plot (Padme's role is transferred to Luke upon her death) Anakin/Obi-wan is truly the heart of the matter. Now, I am not an Ani/Obi shipper per se - I don't feel they're necessarily jumping into bed with eachother...but I do feel strongly that Anakin and Obi-wan love eachother dearly. Thus this is a mix made up primarily of love songs - love between a father and a son, between brothers, between the greatest of friends and the greatest of enemies - love that transcends betrayal, loss, heartbreak and even death - love that ignites the stars.

Komm Susser Tod::Anakin and Obiwan

What will happen to me?
01//Fields of Innocence - Evanesence
Where has my heart gone
Trapped in the eyes of a stranger
oh why...
I want to go back to
Believing in everything
Anakin's POV: Anakin led a harsh but sheltered life on Tatooine; he believed in heroes and angels and these beliefs are strengthened when he meets Qui-gon and Padme. No one can kill a jedi he tells Qui-gon...and then Qui-gon is killed. When Anakin leaves Tatooine he leaves innocence behind, without Qui-gon and Padme he has only Obi-wan, barely more than a stranger, but all he has left.

You will be a Jedi, I promise
02//Sink N Swim - Plumb
A sudden rain
Revealed your face
I knew right then
No matter where I go I'd
Have your hand to hold
Obi-wan's POV: In Anakin Obi-wan finds his reason for being; both Anakin and Obi-wan have a life outside of their relationship, but they are two sides of the same coin, they belong together and they belong to eachother....this begins when they are first thrown together by Qui-gon's death.

You're the closest thing I have to a father
03//Still Here - John Reznick
And you see the things they never see
All you wanted I could be
Now you know me
And I'm not afraid
Anakin's POV: Anakin was born fighting against the restrainsts of reality, as Palpatine says as long as I've known you you've wanted to live a life of significance and he fights against the Jedi council from his first appearance before them - Obi-wan is a part of the council and the Jedi hierarchy, but he is also Anakin's closest friend and mentor and Anakin knows that Obi-wan sees him as no one else does. [Note: this song is my personal anthem and it's like it was written for Anakin honestly!]

What kind of nonsense is this?
04//So Beautiful - Dashboard Confessional
As soon as you got it you want something else
It's not the sale that you love, its the sell
It's not the price that's going to cost you
It's just the weight that's going to bring you
Obi-wan's POV: Anakin's behavior is extremely frustrating to Obi-wan, but at the same time he feels compassion for Anakin's entanglements with the coucil and Palpatine. Obi-wan knows Anakin better than anyone and he worries about him. Obi-wan knows the coucil has put Anakin in an awkward position, knows the council has never really done right by Anakin (he looks so sad when he says the council is asking this of you) but he knows his place in the Jedi hierarchy and he expects Anakin to accept his even if neither of them like it. [Note: this is the most shippy song on the mix i think and i absolutely love it for AniObi; Obi-wan clearly sees Anakin as so beautiful and so vulnerable and the whole song just screams "Obi-wan knows what's coming but turns a blind eye cause he loves Anakin so much"]

He won't let me down. He never has.
05//Minor Incidents - Badly Drawn Boy
You always were the one to make us stand out in the crowd
Though every once upon a while your head was in a cloud
There's nothing you could ever do to ever let me down
Just remember that I'll always love you
Obi-wan's POV: Obi-wan cares a great deal for Anakin, he loves him as a brother and he takes responsibility for raising the boy - he's proud of the Jedi Anakin has become and he believes in him more than any of the council ever has. [Note: *saddest line in the movie*....this song can work as a Qui-gon/Obi-wan song or Obi-wan/Luke song but the lyric above just clinches it as an Obi-wan/Anakin song]

Master, I've disappointed you. I have not been very appreciative of your training . . . I have been arrogant and I apologize . . . Obi-wan, may the force be with you.
06//Try - Nelly Furtardo
Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try

All of the things we want each other to be
We never will be
Anakin's POV: A full Jedi Knight, a hero of the Clone Wars, a husband and Obi-wan's equal, Anakin has finally grown up (though he still makes all the mistakes of arrogant youth).

I will not kill Anakin
07//Time is Running Out - Muse
You will be the death of me

Our time is running out
You can't push it underground
You can't stop it screaming out
How did it come to this?
Obi-wan's POV: Though he's seen it with his own eyes, Obi-wan cannot believe Anakin has betrayed them all. The task Yoda lays out for him is the hardest the council has ever given him; Obi-wan feels betrayed on all sides. He follows Padme to Mustafar with the intent to confront Anakin, he fears it's too late to bring him back.

I don't fear the Dark Side the way you do
08//Just Like You - Three Days Grace
Anakin's POV: Lost in his descent to the Dark Side Anakin sees his closest friends as his greatest enemies and the volcano that has always been a part of his nature is finally let loosed. [Note: this song is so very BratVader]

Then you are lost
09//Lost Cause - Beck
Is that what you thought love was for?
Baby you're a lost cause
I'm tired of fighting
Fighting for a lost cause.
Obi-wan's POV: Any idealistic ideas that Anakin could be brought around by his words disappear when Obi-wan finds Anakin in full-on delusion - finding Anakin so far gone is the end for Obi-wan and he breaks.

There are heroes on both sides
10//Anakin vs. Obi-wan - John Williams
The epic battle between the closest of friends - both at turns angry, desperate and hearthbroken - leaves both changed.

I wish it were otherwise
11//Komm Susser Todd - Aianne
I've lost everything, everything
Everything that matters to me, matters in this world
I wish that I could turn backtime
Cause now the guilt is all mine
Can't live without the trust from those you love
I know we can't forget the past
We can't forget love and pride
Because of that it's killing me inside
Anakin's POV: The good that remains within Anakin is eclipsed by his pain, his rage, all the pent up feelings he's spent his life hiding are let loose and he can't handle it so he becomes the monster in order to regain control...but within the monster is the little boy who only ever wanted to make his Master proud....and knows he has failed.
Obi-wan's POV: I have failed you, Anakin he says and he carries that guilt with him beyond the grave, reiterating it when he speaks with Luke after Yoda's death. Obi-wan sees Anakin as his greatest friend, his greatest enemy and his greatest failure all at once. Wouldn't it be easier to just give up?

I hate you
12//Once in a Lifetime - Wolfsheim
You made me doubt, you made me fear
But now I'm not the same
You took my wife, my unborn son
Torn into the deep of the ocean
I don't pretend that I love you
'Cause there is nothing left to lose
Anakin's POV: No one can hate so much without loving in equal or greater measure. Left to die alone....lying burnt and broken on the shores of Mustafar.....the madness takes him and he completes his transformation from a shining star to a famous monster. [Note: this song is so jaunty but the lyrics are *tragic* and it's such a good song for the Angry!Manic!Anakin! left burning in lava by his best friend]

I haven't heard that name in a long time. A long time.
13//How You Remind Me - Nickelback
It's not like you didn't know that
I said I love you and I swear I still do

And this is how you remind me of what I really am
Ob-wan's POV: Obi-wan has twenty years to spend second guessing his every decision in regards to Anakin...twenty years is a very long time to live alone with your guilt and anger.

For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times, before the Empire.
14//Wash Away - Matt Costa
The castles we built were so tall
They only left us further to fall
And still I see them far away
As I watch them wash away
Obi-wan's POV: Luke represents Obi-wan's second chance to do right by Anakin.

I have been waiting for you, Obi-wan. We meet again, at last.
15//Disarm (A Killer in Me) - Smashing Pumpkin
Disarm you with a smile
And cut you like you want me to
Cut that little child
Inside of me and such a part of you
Ooh, the years burn
Anakin's POV: When they encounter eachother after twenty years apart Obi-wan has found peace with his relationship to Anakin and his role in the rise of Vader and the Empire. But Anakin has been living as Vader, he faces Obi-wan with all his pain and rage intact.

This will be a day long remembered.
16//Dust in the Wind - Kansas
Dust in the wind, all we are is dust in the wind
Dust in the wind, everything is dust in the wind.
Anakin's POV: With Obi-wan's death Anakin has lost his last link to his past, or so he thinks. Anakin never learned to let go of those he loves; now he is finally, utterly alone but for Palpatine (who Anakin is smart enough to know was never the friend he thought him to be). But with Obi-wan's death - and Luke's subsequent emergence - Palpatine begins to lose his grip on Vader as Anakin starts ever so slowly to turn away from the dark.

Anakin was a good friend.
17//Thirty Years of Tears - John Hiatt
Well, I've cried me a river, I've cried me a lake
I've cried till the past nearly drowned me
Tears for sad consequences
Tears for mistakes
But never these tears that surround me
Obi-wan's POV: Looking back on his long relationship with Anakin Obi-wan is able to remember the full spectrum of companionship, loyalty, betrayal, anger, guilt and love, always love.

May the Force be with you, old friend.
18//Who Is It? - Bjork
We all have earned a lightness
Carry my joy on the left
Carry my pain on the right
If you ask yourself, now patiently and carefully,
Who is it that never let you down?
Anakin's POV: Redeemed by love, Anakin is welcomed by the Force and reunited with the other side of his soul, Obi-wan.

let me know if links are broken or you'd like a song sent directly to you - comments are love!

brought to you by vadersangel

x-posted to fandomsounds//fanmix//ewan_hayden
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