A typical Monday night...

Jun 28, 2010 23:39

I finally got around to coloring my hair again. I was looking fairly ridiculous with a wide band of graying hair showing. Some people look good with gray hair. I just look old, I swear it magnifies the wrinkles and washes the color out of my face.

I've been moving around the house all evening, trying to find a quiet spot to re-read To Kill a Mockingbird and get away from the argumentative children. I love this book but it's to be read slowly and with pauses so the reader can get the full effect of it. So many things about it are eerily familiar from my own childhood, especially from when I was very small. The way people talked and thought about things then.

I should be going to bed, haven't slept very well in a while. But I have a sense of the days passing by too quickly and there are things I should be doing, things I should have already done. Maybe that's why I can't sleep well.
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