Title: Following a Dream Author: vaders_ghost Fandom: Star Wars Characters: Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader Rating: Rated PG Disclaimers: This is a work of fanfiction, I do not own or claim these characters.
Hi, I stumbled across this via jedi_news and I'm glad I did. I'm such a sucker for father son stories and this was beautifully written and explored. Is this a one-shot or will it continue?
I think it's just a one-shot. I don't have the time or patience to start on a multi-part story, especially when I've never finished my others. I love father & son stories with Vader and Luke and always wished someone would have explored that more in the books and for a longer period of time.
I adore father/son tales with Luke and Vader and, like, you wish that had been explored a little more.
Do you mind if I friend you - I'd be interested in more fic! : )
Oh, you like Richard Armitage! I loved him in "Strike Back! : )
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