Nov 09, 2004 13:32
Well, sunday I spent with skippy down in miami. It was great, got there at 4 am, had to sleep in my car for an hour. developed on my already great friendship with skippy. then she came and woke me up at 6 and brought me inside, where we watched saved, and then super sized me. and just so everyone knows, it only took 11 hours for me to go eat mcdonalds after the movie. I have decided i am going to slow my smoking habbits. so we then went to a church......... oh god i wont even get started on the church............
and so we went back to her place like 2 hours later to chill out for a bit and then i went home, since then nothing eventful has happened. i spent like an hour on a single unique jump in gta san andreas.
thats about it for this journal. wow my life seems so.......... unjournal-worthy when i write it down...