(no subject)

Jun 18, 2005 17:57

hi everyone, im all livejournaled-up now yay!! its taken me like 10 years but oh well...


i have nothing much to say as i have been a total social outcast this week thanks to the wonderful effects of tonsilitis. so i hope everyone has a good time at toast or wherever tonight... well not really i hope its the most boring uneventful not-worth-going-to totally-worth-missing night ever, but still. have fun :)

meanwhile i should really be studying for my exam on wednesday, however i honestly cant think of anything i would less like to be doing right now, and seeing as chris isnt studying either i dont think i should have to. so there. plus i really dont want to study while my friends are out, thats so totally lame.

i was sposed to work today but couldnt cos of the sickness, but im going back tomorrow... dont know how im going to handle a 9 hour shift if i still feel like this, but i missed out on $130 today for not working so i might as well make sure i have some money for next week..

by the way i am soooo keen for godsmack, and emma and chris i think we should decide where we're going to stay and such. although, if we just turned up and asked to accomodation at a random hotel on the day i wouldnt really mind that either. actually i dont really care if we sleep in the gutter, im that fucking keen for it.

ok well im going to go...not study...

by all.

p.s. ive noticed that everyone has a bajillion friends on this. so be my friend everyone, i wouldnt want to be the friendless loser of lj.
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