LJ New Years Party!!

Jan 03, 2006 14:11

by limitedbythesky

VAComix's LJ New Year Party (Now At Least 33% Politically Correct!)

Started : 01st January 2006 08:59:38 AM

Ended : 01st January 2006 10:16:28 PM
Alco Money! : $ 323

Guests of Honour
VAComix is a buoyant Agnostic. VAComix drank 8 Bloody Marys, 12 Brandys.
insaneteabag is a jovial Buddhist. insaneteabag drank 6 Lagers.
neonaeris is a sexually repressed Wiccan and a prolific barfer, particularly at parties such as this. neonaeris drank 3 Aftershocks, 2 Ales, 1 White Wine, 2 Vodkas.
celfieen is a lethargic Agnostic. celfieen drank 15 Hot Toddys.
parksoo is a chirpy Agnostic and a fiery pint monster. parksoo drank 12 Brandys, 2 Cognacs, 2 Vodkas, 2 Lagers, 1 Whiskey.
beechyart is an overwrought Fundementalist Christian who enjoys mugging frail old ladies and stealing their bus passes. beechyart decided to not drink because of their religious beliefs.
ifyouonlyknew77 is an unfortunate Liberal Christian and an overweight, boozed up - spadehead. ifyouonlyknew77 decided to not drink because of their religious beliefs.
bluedragon4545 is a happy-go-lucky Atheist. bluedragon4545 drank 9 Ales, 5 Vermouths, 1 Tequila, 1 Pernod, 1 Red Wine.
v4lentin3 is an overwrought Liberal Christian. v4lentin3 drank 2 Hot Toddys, 1 Cognac.
tarynpaper89 is an abominable Fundementalist Christian who once wrote 'If You Come Down My Chimney Again I Shall Tear Your Furry Balls Off' in a letter to Santa. tarynpaper89 decided to not drink because of their religious beliefs.
d4ng3rb0y is a cast down Muslim. d4ng3rb0y drank 2 Ales, 3 Pulques.

Well it must have been a good party! A total of 5 people barfed everywhere including VAComix, neonaeris, celfieen, parksoo, bluedragon4545.

'God is Dead!' proclaimed neonaeris. 'neonaeris is dead!' retorted tarynpaper89. Thankfully VAComix managed to step in before the minor dispute turned into a major war.

tarynpaper89 was removed from the party at around 03:45:45 PM for attempting to nail bluedragon4545's hands and feet to VAComix's bed. tarynpaper89 fervently denied that the act was part of 'A kinky sex act for Christ gone wrong'

'It must be love, love love!' and how so in the case of bluedragon4545 and d4ng3rb0y. It's like Romeo and Juliet all over again without any of the suspense!
The Drunkest

There was once a rotten oik called parksoo! And they bathed in gin! Yeah they bathed in gin!
Random Events

bluedragon4545 made violent love with neonaeris on top of the television.

ifyouonlyknew77 and insaneteabag fought all night after insaneteabag whipped out a picture
of ifyouonlyknew77's naked ass and passed it around to alll of the giggling minnions in the room. parksoo wet themselves amidst the hysteria.

Happy New Year!

Do you believe in all of that New Years Resolution shit? If not, celebrate the New Year as you mean to go on with the ultimate new years party from hell!

Enter your name below to experience the ultimate in complete useless bollocks!

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