I woke up at 2:30 (well, actually more like 2:45 because my mind didn't comprehend my alarm for a while) this morning to play Santa and after all of that, I sat down at the computer just to check to see if Yuletide fics had been sent out and I FOUND SEVEN FICS. :D :D :D :D
I spent an hour reading them all, before I ended up falling back to sleep, and left reviewing - and this post - for morning. I think my reviews would have been even more babbling than they are.
Five of the same prompt, which I loved SO MUCH. To see the differences in the stories, in the ways people interpreted one fairytale and changed it to suit them was so awesome. Flower names! Hints of incest! One that shocked me and made me cackle with glee at the thought. One romantic in nature, even amidst the melancholic atmosphere.
The other two were Gokusen fics, which were wonderful to read. :D :D
Traditional Fairy Tales. All based around the fairytale, "The Twelve Dancing Princesses."
Anything for Family. The girls as princesses! Like, ones who worry about being poor and where no one is good enough and only wanting to dance the night away. It made me grin the entire time, especially the last part.
After the Ball. The one that hit my incest kink. :D (And hints at pedophilia with the lecherous old soldier). First of the flower names.
Forget Me Not. The second of the flower named girls. At first I wasn't too sure about this one, but the end of it totally sealed it.
Dancing in the Moonlight. I really liked Olivia, the youngest princess, in this one. And the nature of the relationships between them all.
The Right Sort (of Nothing). Wherein the princes they dance with are actually demons. Probably the most romantic of them all, in it's tone and not-quite-resolved-ending. And the girls names, all listed at the end. That amused me a lot.
At Home. Shin essentially being welcomed into the clan. :D
Making One's Plans. More Shin introspection. :D
I haven't had a chance to read anything else yet, but once I do, more links.
EDIT: SEVEN IS WRONG. akfjsaklf EIGHT. afklasfklasfk
Bentou for Two. Nobuta wo Produce, Nobuko/Mariko, them after Shuji and Akira leave.