Title: The Writer Came Back
palgrave_golden Fandom: Castle
Gift for:
crearealidad Characters/Pairing: Kate Beckett, Richard Castle, Beckett/Castle
Rating: PG-13, maybe a low 'R' at most.
Word Count: 4909 according to Word.
Disclaimer: Castle and all characters related are property of ABC Studios, Andrew Marlowe, and probably lots of other people who aren't actually me.
Spoilers/Warnings: Post "Always" and set at some vague point in Season 5, but other than that no specific spoilers for episodes past or upcoming. Sexy fun times between consenting adults are alluded to but not graphically depicted (sorry).
Summary: Kate Beckett sets out on her motorcycle to get away from the world and to find peace. Something which would be a lot easier if she didn't keep bumping into Richard Castle.
Author's Note: Written for
crearealidad (Castle/Beckett, "Beckett heads out on her motorcycle for a weekend, looking for peace and quiet, but someone interrupts her road trip"). Thanks for all the great prompts (I'm still working on an X-Files one involving Scully, Reyes and Mulder on a road-trip that I've yet to complete), and I hope this contains a sufficient amount of sarcasm, bickering and contrived scenarios to satisfy. :-) Many thanks once again to
jaune_chatonce again for the beta-read and the useful feedback. Everyone else, hope you like it!
Links: At my
LJ or