School Days

Sep 09, 2007 15:28

 I think that pretty much the one thing that all teenagers have in common is that they all have the miraculous ability to moan and complain about school.  I'm pretty sure that that is quite universal.  I had to bring home all of my books to do my homework this weekend.  On Friday I actually showed some school spirit by showing up at Mission's football game.  I was pretty surprised by myself but the evening was nice and I got to eat Dippin Dots.  I swear that the only memory I have of Dippin Dots is from when I was five; I spilled my dots and my mom wouldn't get me any more and I cried.  That is my lovely little story.  I hate trying to be productive because I never really get anywhere and it just gets my mind going, not to mention that I am personally annoyed when I don't do something---you'd think that would motivate me to get things done, but it doesn't.  Not to mention the fact that I have various songs from Hairspray stuck in my head going around and around.

Last night I had a break and went to see 3:10 To Yuma with Jen.  I really liked that movie and I think that Christian Bale is definately a strong actor who will win Oscars in the future.  I almost cried at the end because it was sad---Jen pointed out how pathetic I was for crying (almost) in practically every movie I watch.  I then realized how pathetic I was for tears at a western movie.  Still, it was a great movie.

Tomorrow I have a possibly icky day ahead of me because I don't know what is going to happen with me and my schedule.  I am really not enough of a morning person to wake up at 5:30 every day--before the sun is out.  I'm not cut out to be a vampire or anything.  The closest I'll get to a scary creature is when I turn into a zombie because I am so sleep-deprived. I really want my schedule to work out somehow, and if it didn't, I would still be ok with what I have now but I will be better off knowing that it is for sure or if it will change.  Also, I feel like I'm carrying a dead weight on my shoulder (literally) because I can't seem to push any farther in The Three Musketeers which I do want to read but I just can't find a time where I am in the mood for it--it also doesn't help that I have a bunch of new movies that I want to watch.  I had a weird moment today though, in the midst of all my school work and stuff I get up and pace for a second in my room.  I am just standing and I think it had something to do with the light in my room (around 2 in the afternoon the lighting is nice) or the Painted Veil sountrack, but I was literally unexplicably happy.  I know that it is not a bad thing to be happy and I questioned myself why I would be happy and I had absolutely no reason for it.  Yeah, weird moment. Nice but one of my stranger events.
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